If you want to know more about this work pls watch the video
👇 & read the full article:
Or the super thread @ftmaestre (🐦 ) wrote in his profile explaining everything.
I still don't have many contacts in mastodon, so if you know people/institutions involved in this research, please share it with them!
Thanks and enjoy!
#UniversidaddeAlicante #IPBES #UNCCD #Biodesert #ERCResearch #ScienceResearch #Drylands #scicomm #Ecology
#ecology #scicomm #drylands #ScienceResearch #ERCResearch #BIODESERT #unccd #ipbes #UniversidaddeAlicante
If you want to know more about this work pls watch the video
👇 & read the full article:
Or the super thread @ftmaestre (🐦 ) wrote in his profile explaining everything.
I still don't have many contacts in mastodon, so if you know people/institutions involved in this research, please share it with them!
Thanks and enjoy!
#UniversidaddeAlicante #IPBES #UNCCD #Biodesert #ERCResearch #ScienceResearch #Drylands #scicomm
#scicomm #drylands #ScienceResearch #ERCResearch #BIODESERT #unccd #ipbes #UniversidaddeAlicante