In Bucharest 12 new, 36 m long, modern 🚋trams were purchased, leading to lowering the travel times for commuters thanks to the European Regional Development Fund
Download 🎞️ infoclip:
🇷🇴 #ERDF #EUfunds
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Classicality with(out) decoherence: Concepts, relation to Markovianity, and a random matrix theory approach
Philipp Strasberg
SciPost Phys. 15, 024 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UAB #ec #ERDF #MINECO #laCaixa_Foundation
With support from #EUFunds, Xlendi Tower in Gozo has reclaimed its historical value and is now open to the public as an interactive museum
Take a look at the newly #restored Xlendi Tower in the video below 👇
#ERDF #Culture #Heritage
@PublicServiceMT | @EUinmyRegion
#EUFunds #restored #ERDF #Culture #heritage
A recent study by the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga showed that EU subsidies for firms in #Estonia led to higher sales revenues and wages, but failed to improve productivity. The study examined data from 1,435 companies that received #ERDF grants in 2013-2020.
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
All Jordanian deformations of the AdS5×S5
Riccardo Borsato, Sibylle Driezen
SciPost Phys. 14, 160 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #USC #AgenciaEstataldeInvestigación #ERDF #NSF #XuntadeGalicia #laCaixaFoundation
RT @EMRAssembly: Fascinating day 2 of #INFORMEU plenary meeting in Croatia. Agenda was filled with a project visit to an #ERDF funded nature park, fund specific meetings & country mixers
Lots of good collaboration happening
@EUinmyRegion @EUfundsIreland @NWAssembly @SouthernAssembl @EUJTF_ie
RT @scotgovESIF: We allocated £8.2m of @EUinmyRegion funding to @nature_scot's Natural & Cultural Heritage Fund.
13 projects, including new visitor centres and innovative virtual reality tours, can now promote the beauty of the Highlands & Islands, thanks to #ERDF support.
Interested in the evaluation of Research and Technological Development infrastructures and activities supported by the #EURegionalFund (#ERDF) in the period 2007-2013?
Some €17 billion of #CohesionPolicy fund went towards RTD
See the thread🧵and browse the report⤵️
RT @RegioEvaluation: #RTD: EC 🇪🇺Staff Working Document published on the #evaluation of #ERDF support in 2007-2013!
Thread 1/6
#EURegionalFund #ERDF #CohesionPolicy #RTD #evaluation
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Cost of holographic path integrals
Ammanamanchi Ramesh Chandra, Jan de Boer, Mario Flory, Michal P. Heller, Sergio Hörtner, Andrew Rolph
SciPost Phys. 14, 061 (2023)
#UvA #IFT #GhentUniversity
#AEI #ERDF @ERC #EC #FundaciónRamónAreces
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #uva #IFT #GhentUniversity #AEI #ERDF #ec #FundaciónRamónAreces #MinisteriodeCienciaeInnovación #NWO #MINECO
Join @EUinmyRegion and @OECD_local webinar to learn how to fill in the application form for Innovative Implementation of 🇪🇺Partnership Principle in the context of #ERDF, #JustTransition Fund & #CohesionFund.
🔹Deadline 30.04!
#ERDF #JustTransition #CohesionFund
📣Join @EUinmyRegion and @OECD_local webinar on 4 April to learn how to fill in the application form for Innovative Implementation of Partnership Principle✨ in the context of #ERDF, #JustTransition Fund & #CohesionFund.
Deadline is approaching (30.04)!
#ERDF #JustTransition #CohesionFund
🧭 The new #Widening Pathways to synergies Call for proposals just opened!
👉 Budget 2️⃣0️⃣ million euro
👉 Deadline 2️⃣8️⃣ September
Unlock synergies between #Horizon funds & other #EUfunds such as #ERDF #IPA #INTERREG & others.
Read more & apply ➡️!kWgyuQ
#Widening #Horizon #EUFunds #ERDF #IPA #Interreg
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
Itinerant ferromagnetism in dilute SU(N) Fermi gases
Jordi Pera, Joaquim Casulleras, Jordi Boronat
SciPost Phys. 14, 038 (2023)
#UniversitatPolitècnicaCatalunya #ERDF #GeneralitatCatalunya
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UniversitatPolitècnicaCatalunya #ERDF #GeneralitatCatalunya #MinisterioCienciaInnovación
This was published only 1,5 hours after IPCC publish a new status report, saying we only have 9 years (!) to phase out fossil if we want to fulfill Paris agreement. Makes me sick! 🤢🤯
RT @Energy4Europe: EU #CohesionPolicy supports #energysecurity ⚡️
The EC approved an investment of €124 million from #ERDF for the construction of a 253 km-long section of a gas transmission pipeline in Poland 🇵🇱.
This #PCI project is expected to be ready by Dec-2023. https://energ…
#CohesionPolicy #EnergySecurity #ERDF #PCI
EU #CohesionPolicy supports #energysecurity ⚡️
The EC approved an investment of €124 million from #ERDF for the construction of a 253 km-long section of a gas transmission pipeline in Poland 🇵🇱.
This #PCI project is expected to be ready by Dec-2023.!HJGXK8
#CohesionPolicy #EnergySecurity #ERDF #PCI
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
Non-Hermitian quantum quenches in holography
Sergio Morales-Tejera, Karl Landsteiner
SciPost Phys. 14, 030 (2023)
#ERDF #MinisterioCienciaInnovación
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UniversidadAutónomaMadrid #ERDF #MinisterioCienciaInnovación
RT @GlasgowlovesEu: @cluthaman Our ⭐️still shines, gale force winds won’t deter us!
We want our #FreedomofMovement #Erasmus, #Horizon, #ERDF, & to trade with our European neighbours
But above all we want to be part of the biggest peace project the world has ever known, the #EU @AlynSmith
#WeAreEuropean #FreedomOfMovement #Erasmus #Horizon #ERDF #EU
RT @NWAssembly: 📍 Today in #Galway we launched our Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27 which sees a €217m #European development funding investment for our Region. 🇪🇺
📹 This new video explains more about how this investment will be used.
#ERDF #LetsBeMore
#Galway #European #ERDF #letsbemore
RT @ficompass: Thanks to a loan co-financed with #ERDF and #EAFRD resources, a #Toulouse 🇫🇷 #startup named Hector le Collector, was able to gather and transform 45 tons of food #waste into 31 500 kWh of #greenenergy. Go to the #ficompass Blog to find out more👉
#ERDF #EAFRD #Toulouse #startup #waste #GreenEnergy #ficompass
RT @RegioUK_Ireland:
We love this video by the students @HartstownCS @EDinBlanch @eurireland @EUinmyRegion. With all our best wishes #ERDF team in Brussels