And thanks to our funders, in particular the @bmbf_bund (#RealistiQ, #QSolid, #MuniqcAtoms), the Munich Quantum Valley, the @dfg_public (#CRC183), and the Einstein Foundation (#ERUQuantum, for which this is a joint node project).
#RealistiQ #QSolid #MuniQCAtoms #CRC183 #ERUQuantum
Warm thanks to @droptable, Vincent Ulitzsch, @frederikwilde and Jean-Pierre Seifert for this fun and wonderfully productive collaboration.
And thanks to the Einstein Stiftung Berlin (#ERUQuantum), the @bmbf_bund (#Hybrid), the @BMWK (#EniQmA), the QuantERA (#HQCC), the Munich Quantum Valley (#K8), MATH Plus, and the @dfg_public (#CRC183) for funding.
#ERUQuantum #hybrid #EniQmA #HQCC #K8 #CRC183