@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life
Which is why #LiFi is being researched and why #esa and others literally do the closest they can do to fiberoptics in space: Actively-tracked optical links and bridges between satellites...
In short: unless it's a constantly moving vehicle or vessel that has to operate far away from any permanent settlement or shores, there's hardly any need that justifies #SATCOM amidst the high cost, high latency and low bandwiths.
A piece of space junk being monitored by the European Space Agency as part of a mission to remove space junk has been hit by another piece of space junk.
The collision highlights the mounting threat of space debris, and the need to deal with it sooner rather than later.
The object is the initial target of the world’s first space debris cleanup programme, led by Swiss startup Clearspace and scheduled for 2026.
#ClearSpace #spacedebris #Space #ESA #switzerland #Europe
#ESA-Chef: #Ariane-6-#Rakete startet wohl erst 2024 https://orf.at/stories/3327664/ #Science
Sentinel-4 es una misión satelital de observación terrestre que forma parte del Programa Copérnico, proyecto dirigido conjuntamente por la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) y por la Unión Europea a través de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente.
As the International Space Station approaches retirement, a transatlantic team is creating a replacement: Starlab.
Airbus and US startup Voyager this week announced a joint venture for the project. The two companies will develop, build, and operate Starlab, which aims to further unite the US and Europe in space.
#ESA #iss #starlab #airbus #aerospace #Space #Europe
Brian Koberlein - Euclid Reaches L2, Shares its First Test Image:
#Euclid #ESA #VISible #InfraredAstronomy #Infrared #Cosmos #Mapping #Cosmology #Astronomy
#Euclid #ESA #VISible #InfraredAstronomy #infrared #cosmos #mapping #cosmology #astronomy
Neue #ESA-Sonde „Euclid“ schießt erste Testbilder https://orf.at/stories/3325870/ #Science
Europe's trusty Ariane 5 rocket leaves a lasting legacy after its final flight.
The Ariane 5 rocket lifted off for the last time on 6 July from the European Space Agency's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, leaving behind it a stellar track record. Reliability will be one of Ariane 5’s lasting legacies.
“Out of 117 Ariane 5 launches, 112 have been successful”.
#Europe #Aerospace #Space #Ariane #Rocket #Rockets #Satellite #Satellites #ESA
#ESA #satellites #satellite #rockets #rocket #ariane #Space #aerospace #Europe
Europe’s space agency attempts an assisted re-entry for a retiring satellite.
Launched in 2018, Europe’s observation satellite Aeolus has surpassed all expectations.
It has beamed down seven billion pulses of UV light to profile Earth’s wind.
Now, with its fuel almost spent and the mission over, the European Space Agency (ESA) will bring Aeolus back to Earth in what they are calling the “first of its kind” assisted re-entry.
#Science #satellite #Aeolus #Space #ESA
Scorching heat across the Northern Hemisphere is threatening to break records and whip up wildfires as the dire consequences of global warming take shape.
Europe could record its hottest-ever temperature this week, the European Space Agency said.
According to the World Meteorological Organization, Europe is the world's fastest-warming continent which has been heating at twice the global average since the 1980s.
#ESA #ClimateChange #heatwave #Europe
Italy has put 15 cities on red alert for high temperatures, as a severe heatwave continues across much of southern Europe.
The European Space Agency, whose satellites monitor land and sea temperatures, has warned that parts of Italy could experience the highest temperatures ever recorded on the continent.
Sicily and Sardinia could see temperatures climb as high as 49 degrees Celsius.
#Europe #Italy #Sicily #Sardinia #Heatwave #ClimateChange #ESA
#ESA #ClimateChange #heatwave #sardinia #sicily #Italy #Europe
Southern European countries are reeling under heat wave "Cerberus".
Italy, Greece and Spain are grappling with scorching temperatures, with most of Italy under a "red" alert warning.
The European Space Agency (ESA), whose satellites monitor land and sea temperatures, said Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Poland were all affected by scorching temperatures.
#Europe #Italy #Greece #Spain #France #Germany #Poland #Heatwave #Climate #ESA #Cerberus
#cerberus #ESA #Climate #heatwave #poland #Germany #France #spain #Greece #Italy #Europe
A Europa está a escaldar e “isto é só o início”, avisa a #AgênciaEspacialEuropeia
#ESA #Cerberus #ElNiño
#elnino #cerberus #ESA #agenciaespacialeuropeia
#ESA - #Europe braces for sweltering July
#climate #globalwarming #weather #science #earth https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-3/Europe_braces_for_sweltering_July
#ESA #europe #climate #globalwarming #Weather #science #earth
i absolutely LOVE these types of articles dealing with Troubleshooting problems with space craft. Gets into some nice crunchy details main stream reporting glosses over