Two additions to the important “Safe and Just Earth Systems” paper above ⬆️
First, this shorter summary/commentary piece, easier and quicker to digest than original research but with same stark message - 7 out of 8 #ESB crossed already #PlanetaryBoundaries
#ClimateDiary #ESB #planetaryboundaries
"Safe and just Earth system boundaries", published yesterday by @jrockstrom et al, provides an important summary for the state of things.
Looking at different #PlanetaryBoundaries or Earth System Boundaries #ESB, it shows where we are at - 7 of 8 ESBs already crossed, not good! It also discusses what "safe and just" means, and how it can be calculated. You can see a strong affinity with #Doughnut economics from the visualisation alone.
#ClimateDiary #planetaryboundaries #ESB #doughnut
@beer I grew up on #HeartsOfSpace - a most excellent show that is still going. #ToastedCoconutPorter #ImperialStout #HazyIPA #ESB and #KettleSouredGose have been where we have focused previously and this year we hope to explore some interpretations of #WestCoastIPA - you can check out my brewery account over at @kererubrewing
#heartsofspace #toastedcoconutporter #ImperialStout #hazyipa #ESB #kettlesouredgose #westcoastipa
#night #white #photography #loh #empirestatebuilding #newyork #ESB #nyc #now
I had the day off, so I bottled the ESB I brewed last month. Figured I would keep the yeast going (WLP023 Burton Ale Yeast), so I brewed another ESB -- all extract, so not a huge deal. Well, when looking for empty bottles I found a few full bottles I had forgotten about. Turns out it was the ESB I made 7 months ago. Is it obvious I like an ESB?
#Homebrewing #ESB #Beer
#skyline #skyscraper #sky #blue #ESB #loh #empirestatebuilding #newyork #nyc
📸Guðmundur Árnason, ráðuneytisstjóri fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytisins á fundi með sendiherrum aðildarríkja #ESB á Íslandi í morgun
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinICELAND/status/1593245725307326466
Framkvæmdastjórn #ESB 🇪🇺 kynnti í dag 18 milljarða evra fjárhagsaðstoð til Úkraínu🇺🇦 fyrir árið 2023 eða 2.640 milljarða króna aðstoð til þess að fjármagna:
💶launa- og lífeyrisgreiðslur
🏗️uppbyggingu innviða
🚑nauðsynlega þjónustu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinICELAND/status/1590349128886018048
Fulltrúar #ESB 🇪🇺 og aðildarríkja þess kalla eftir frekari 🌍aðgerðum í þágu umhverfisins í stað loforða.
ESB virðir skuldbindingar sínar🌱
Með "Græna dílnum" munum við draga úr útblástri um amk. 55% fyrir 2030 og verða kolefnishlutlaus fyrir 2050🌞#COP27 #EUGreenDeal #EUatCop27
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinICELAND/status/1589994265010049026
#ESB #COP27 #EUGreenDeal #EUatCOP27
Directe kosten NL in EU-begrotingsunie. 'Jaarlijkse netto-overdracht 2,5 procent van bbp zou voor NL in termen van bbp van 2021 uitkomen op ongeveer 21 miljard euro'. De transferunie!
Hoogduin: 'Eurozone-begrotingsunie pakt duur uit voor NL' . https://esb.nu/esb/20072197/eurozone-begrotingsunie-zou-duur-uitpakken-voor-nederland?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=SHR_ARTT_20221103&utm_content=esb #ESB #ESB
I hope the peregrine falcons up there are ok!
RT @RogerMcMorrow
Lightning strikes #ESB #Poolbeg towers as seen from St Vincents Hospital this afternoon. ⛈ ⚡️
#thunder #Lightning #Dublin
#ESB #Poolbeg #thunder #lightning #dublin