Heute Abend gibt's wieder einen wunderbaren #CSGO #Stream auf dem #Twitch Kanal von Munich eSports!
Unser #ESEA #Main Team zockt (wahrscheinlich wieder mit Standins :D) gegen KUSAMO.gg
Hoffentlich wieder genau so spannend wie gestern, wieder gecastet von mir :P
Ab 20:00 Uhr hier schauen und mitfiebern:
#gaming #cast #esports #TwitchDE
#csgo #stream #twitch #ESEA #main #gaming #cast #esports #TwitchDE
@sarahc the phenomenon of feeding cats around ports leftover fish scraps (mentioned in the article) is still common today in #ESEA countries (particularly #Japan ) - there's a whole subculture where "uncles and aunties" travel to the fish docks feed the cats, and film/photograph them with DSLR cameras and its where a lot of the cat pictures and videos come from - it even predates YouTube by a few years, and started as soon as digital cameras became affordable...
Auch heute darf ich wieder ein #CSGO Match casten hier die Infos:
Nach einer knappen Niederlage im ersten #ESEA Main Match der neuen Saison kämpft unser #CSGO Main-Team heute um den ersten Punkt. 💪
📆 heute, 20 Uhr
⚔ Munich eSports vs. TopTab Club
Also bis gleich dann im #TwitchDE Chat
Heard an interesting "fascinating trivia fact" on #RadioCaroline this afternoon - instead of the usual "national underpants day" type stuff you get on other stations, the presenter went into quite some detail about how #Jakarta #Indonesia is sinking due to #ClimateChange, and the whole capital is being relocated to #Borneo - an island shared between #Indonesia, #Malaysia (I have extended family who live there) and #Brunei
#radiocaroline #jakarta #indonesia #climatechange #borneo #malaysia #brunei #ESEA #tootsea
Ich darf heute wieder CSGO casten:
Start in die neue #ESEA Main S46 Liga für unser altes neues #CSGO Main-Team 😍😅
📆 heute, 19 Uhr
⚔ Munich eSports vs. En kerro
📺 https://twitch.tv/munich_esports
to be fair, its /way/ more effort, cost and risk for any Asian zoo to dress up a human in a realistic fursuit and make them LARP as a bear in a heatwave than it is to get real sunbears, wildlife rescue centres across #ESEA countries are full of bears that have been illegally captured as exotic pets, which can't be returned to the wild and they are happy for zoos to take them in (some have even ended up here in Britain)
TBH I believe the zoo - a sun bear is a fairly common native species in nearby #ESEA countries, many are recovered from the exotic pet trade by Environment Ministry officers and if they cannot be released back into the wild, offered to zoos worldwide - there are a couple in Colchester Zoo just up the road from me.
It wouldn't be worth the effort dressing up a human in a fursuit to LARP as one (and as the zookeeper points out, impossible in the summer heat)
#LGBT+ folk in #Malaysia complain (not unreasonably!) that the stunt of The 1975 at their gig has only stirred the pot and made things more difficult for them in the long term - activism that may be more tolerated in the West has worse consequences in the more conservative #ESEA nations..
The 1975 cancel more gigs in #ESEA countries, having been yeeted from the stage at #Kuala #Lumpur #Malaysia on the orders of SKMM/MCMC (Malaysia's Communications Ministry) after challenging anti #LGBT+ laws. Paradoxically it seems the one #ESEA country which seems more tolerant is now #Singapore !
#ESEA #kuala #lumpur #malaysia #lgbt #singapore
All #SouthKorean citizens will become 1-2 years younger, as a traditional East Asian age counting system (which added a year to a new babies age, due to time spent in the womb) is finally abolished and replaced by the standard global practice of counting age starting at 0 from date of birth...
Spontan darf ich wieder ein #CSGO Match casten! #ESEA Intermediate Playoffs vom Munich eSports Academy Team! Schaut gerne ab kurz nach 8 hier rein:
Launch event for Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai's *Dust Child*, co-hosted by @mapeterson8, besea.n, Oneworld publications and King’s College London on 18th April 2023, 6-8pm: https://jonathangray.org/2023/03/27/dust-child #esea #vietnam #literature #books
#ESEA #vietnam #literature #books
"This bookstore, for me, is a continuation of the movement, the activity, the interest, so that part will continue. It’s just that this space, and the lease, won’t be around."
So sad to hear Eastwind Books in Berkeley is closing. I used to love going there when visiting fam in SF. Thanks to @iriskwok for this rich and lively account of its history and significance in relation to the Asian American organising, the International Hotel, Third World Liberation Front and more. May the spirit of Eastwind continue in other ways, beyond the space, beyond the lease...
#asianamerican #antiracism #antiimperialism #decolonisation #organising #aapi #berkeley #sanfrancisco #ihotel #internationalhotel #aapa #books #bookstores #history #sfba #ethnicstudies #esea
#asianamerican #antiracism #antiimperialism #decolonisation #organising #aapi #berkeley #sanfrancisco #ihotel #internationalhotel #aapa #books #bookstores #history #sfba #ethnicstudies #ESEA
Looking forward to Moongate Mix in London on 6th Feb, part of a collaboration to support arts-research-community responses to anti-Asian racism: https://jonathangray.org/2023/01/10/moongate
#antiracism #esea #arts #london
#antiracism #ESEA #arts #london
Recommendations pls for great Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Malaysian restaurants in London - especially in Southwark/ near Borough? Have 2 lunches and 2 dinners to decide/ book for a Dec visit!
(I know I ask this every few months but am out of the loop on London restaurants these days!)
#food #restaurants #london #ESEA
Pls Boost if you have friends who can help!
#food #restaurants #london #ESEA
1 minute film about changing your name as an immigrant child. The feels! I'm not an immigrant and I've always used my (Japanese) name except for a brief period when I was looking for a co-op placement at work. In Canada, applicants with "English" names get 40% more callbacks than those with "foreign" sounding names.
#AsianDiaspora #ESEA #AAPI #AsianAmerican #Immigrant #Canada #Canadian #Film #ShortFilm #Korean #KoreanAmerican
#AsianDiaspora #ESEA #aapi #asianamerican #immigrant #canada #canadian #film #shortfilm #korean #koreanamerican