Prvi #Eurosummit s Hrvatskom kao članicom #Eurozone i #ESM! Razgovaramo o daljnjim aktivnostima za jačanje konkurentnosti 🇪🇺 gospodarstva i suzbijanje inflacije. Uz mjere @VladaRH štitimo građane i gospodarstvo od rasta cijena energenata te pridonosimo očuvanju rasta BDP-a.
RT @kaanev: Join us for the 5th Capital Markets Seminar 5-6 June 2023 in Luxembourg 🇱🇺 by @EU_Commission, @EIB and @ESM_Press
If you would like to receive an invitation you can email us
#europe #capitalmarkets #eu #esm #eib
#Europe #Capitalmarkets #EU #ESM #EIB
RT @Paschald: I welcome the decision of the German Constitutional Court on the #ESM Treaty. This is an important step which now paves the way for its ratification by Germany. #Eurogroup
RT @esa: #Artemis I update: Orion is 396 136 km from Earth, 76 368 km from the Moon, cruising at 729 km/h.
@NASAArtemis @AirbusSpace #OrionESM #ESM #EuropeanServiceModule
#artemis #OrionESM #ESM #EuropeanServiceModule
Extracts of the roundtable (@ESM_Press #ESM Board of Governors) at the #Eurogroup meeting taking place on 5 November 2022 in #Brussels.
🚨Looking for Researchers working with Intensive Longitudinal Data🚨
We’d like to know how you assessed and analyzed psychological constructs (for details see the attached flyer).
Reposts are appreciated :-)
@esther and @JoranJongerling
#rstats #psychometrics #ESM #ExperienceSampling #AmbulatoryAssessment #IntensiveLongitudinalData #AcademicMastodon #DataDon
#datadon #academicmastodon #IntensiveLongitudinalData #ambulatoryassessment #experiencesampling #ESM #psychometrics #rstats
Had a great introduction with our department on Experience Sampling Methods by @JoranJongerling #ESM #TESC Seems very useful for particular research questions, but also raises many questions ready to be explored
#Iguana #Zcurve #PublicationBias #SocialPsychology #Phacking #CFA #LatentVariables #ESM #Psychology #MetaScience #Personality #Statistics
#iguana #zcurve #publicationbias #socialpsychology #phacking #cfa #latentvariables #ESM #psychology #MetaScience #personality #statistics
#ESM and Modules
#webAPIs (WebUSB/WebBT/WebSerial, Orientation, etc)
Follow these folks if you're interested in intensive longitudinal data and SEM methods.
RT @LeonieVogelsm
Now published: Our tutorial"How to explore within-person and between-person measurement model differences in intensive longitudinal data with the R package lmfa" (with Jeroen Vermunt &
@Kim_De_Roover) #measurement #ESM
Extracts of the roundtable (@ESM_Press Board of Governors) at the #Eurogroup meeting taking place on 11 July 2022 in #Brussels.
Wieder konnten sich die Finanzminister der #Eurozone auf keinen Nachfolger von @ESM_Press Klaus #Regling als Chef des #ESM einigen. Was für ein Desaster! Vor allem der Italiener Marco Buti sollte seine Niederlage endlich eingestehen und sich zurückziehen!
#Eurozone #Regling #ESM #euro #EU
Arrivals at the #ESM Board of Governors meeting taking place on 16 June 2022 in #Luxembourg.
🇩🇪|Mit einem Südeuropäer als Chef des #Euro-Rettungsschirms #ESM ginge die #EU geradewegs in die Schuldenunion. Schon #Draghi und #Lagarde haben im Interesse ihrer Länder bereits genug Schaden angerichtet! #ID #EZB
#euro #ESM #EU #Draghi #Lagarde #ID #EZB
🇬🇧|With a Southern European as head of the #Euro bailout fund #ESM, the #EU would go straight into debt union. Already #Draghi and #Lagarde have done enough damage in the interest of their countries! #ID #ECB
#euro #ESM #EU #Draghi #Lagarde #ID #ECB
RT @ESM_Press: Good coordination with other issuers is in the best interests of Europe #ESM CFO @kaanev told investors at the @bbva 9th Seminar for Public Sector Investors and Issuers in Malaga, Spain alongside @EU_Commission @EIB
RT @ESM_Press: Read transcript of remarks by #ESM MD Klaus #Regling at the press conference after the #Eurogroup meeting on banking union. He spoke about:
➡️The benefits of completing banking union
➡️What has already been achieved
➡️What remains to be done
RT @ESM_Press: 🇪🇺 Very good meeting between #ESM MD #Regling, EVP @VDombrovskis and Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni in Luxembourg today to discuss cooperation @ESM_Press and @EU_Commission and deepening #EMU.