My #ESMARConf #ESMARConf2023 talk with @meghapsimatrix is up:
Along with an accompanying blog post that has some extra programming details:
On March 30th 1867, Alaska was purchased from Russia for 7.2 million $. Today we present to the internet: Our totally free framework to harmonize & analyze multi-lab data! Thanks for having us at #ESMARConf #eshackathon
See here on #youtube:
Also, check out our preprint:
#ESMARConf #eshackathon #youtube
RT @wviechtb
This Friday at 5pm CET, I will give a free 7+ hour workshop on meta-analysis with R and the metafor package, prior to the Evidence Synthesis & Meta-Analysis in R Conference ( which starts next week. #Rstats #MetaAnalysis #ESMARConf
#rstats #metaanalysis #ESMARConf
@DrMattG @eshackathon I will be there! Come and join us! All previous #ESMARConf have been outstanding.
Registration for #ESMARConf2023 is now OPEN!!!
Register now to make sure you'll be there in March, and have the latest information news from #ESMARConf ! Follow @eshackathon too.
#R #SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis #metaanalysis
#ESMARConf2023 #ESMARConf #r #SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis #metaanalysis
I found the #citationchaser tool on the #ESMARConf website. This looks extremely useful for #SystematicReview methodologies. Here is the link:
#SystematicReview #citationchaser #ESMARConf
@LajeunesseLab I didn't know that there was something like #ESMARConf or the #EvidenceSynthesis hackathon! Count me in!