ESPClicker – An Elegant Solution for Integrating Dumb Devices into Home Assistant #homeassistant #homehacks #ESP8266 #esphome
#homeassistant #homehacks #ESP8266 #esphome
Spy On Your Cat to Make Sure It Gets Its Paws In #datavisualization #halleffectsensor #dataacquisition #ArduinoHacks #homehacks #catwheel #ESP8266
#datavisualization #halleffectsensor #dataacquisition #ArduinoHacks #homehacks #catwheel #ESP8266
Supi, los gehts:
Inbetriebnahme #Sungrow SHxyRT
Steck den Wifi-Dongle in den vorderen Ethernet Anschluss, der macht ein unverschl. WLAN auf. Gej rein und konfigurier den Stick so, dass er sich in Dein WLAN verbindet.
Er meldet sich bei meiner #Fritzbox als "espressif" (#esp32 oder #esp8266 steckt also drin) und kann dann für den Zugriff aufs Internet gesperrt werden.
#sungrow #Fritzbox #esp32 #ESP8266
Pingo is an Analog Clock that uses Colors Instead of Hands #clockhacks #colorcode #LEDHacks #LEDclock #ESP8266
#clockhacks #colorcode #LEDHacks #ledclock #ESP8266
Fail of The Week: Epic 312 Weeks Of Fixing A Broken Project #christmascalendar #christmasornament #binarycalendar #FailoftheWeek #binaryclock #christmas #calendar #ESP8266 #atmega #binary #ESP32
#christmascalendar #christmasornament #binarycalendar #failoftheweek #binaryclock #christmas #calendar #ESP8266 #atmega #binary #ESP32
@morl99 I played around a lot with #arduino ide with #esp8266 and #esp32 and it was always fun and kind of worked, but never was stable enough for "production". But last year I gave #esphome a try and this really works smoothly with several appliances now.
#arduino #ESP8266 #esp32 #esphome
Ambient Display Tells You if Borealis is Coming to Town #Microcontrollers #microcontroller #ambientdisplay #auroraborealis #northernlights #homehacks #hardware #7segment #tutorial #ESP8266 #NodeMCU #veneer
#Microcontrollers #microcontroller #ambientdisplay #auroraborealis #northernlights #homehacks #hardware #7segment #tutorial #ESP8266 #nodemcu #veneer
ESP8266 Coaster Keeps Your Drink Warm #PCBHeater #PCBHacks #coaster #ESP8266 #pcbart #mqtt
#pcbheater #pcbhacks #coaster #ESP8266 #pcbart #mqtt
Put Your Serial Port on the Web #wirelessserialport #Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #classichacks #serialport #wifidongle #ESP8266 #dongle #wifi
#wirelessserialport #Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #classichacks #serialport #wifidongle #ESP8266 #dongle #wifi
Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler #WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #BatteryHacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #ESP8266 #Wemosd1 #how-to #Wemos
#WirelessHacks #ArduinoHacks #batteryhacks #wemosd1mini #wemosminid1 #ESP8266 #wemosd1 #how #wemos
ESPHome Powers Festive Lego Train Set #HolidayHacks #legotrain #ToyHacks #ESP8266 #esphome #lego
#HolidayHacks #legotrain #ToyHacks #ESP8266 #esphome #lego
NTC Thermistor to ThingSpeak Meter Makes a Great IoT Starter Project #Microcontrollers #thingspeak #ESP8266 #how-to #IoT #ntc
#Microcontrollers #thingspeak #ESP8266 #how #IoT #ntc
Absolut richtig. Für Messen, Steuern, Regeln nehme ich wieder #esp32 oder #ESP8266 (ein vernünftiges Ethernetmodul wäre nochmal was...). Als kleine Rechner/Server benutze ich momentan refurbished #Fujitsu #Futro S920 (ca. 30 € mit Netzteil und Gehäuse), wahrscheinlich würden auch die S720 reichen.
#futro #Fujitsu #ESP8266 #esp32
Pie Stop For Emergency DNS Needs #advertisement #emergencystop #NetworkHacks #RaspberryPi #blocking #ESP8266 #network #Pi-hole #button #ESP-01 #filter #estop #News #dns #ad
#advertisement #emergencystop #NetworkHacks #RaspberryPi #blocking #ESP8266 #network #Pi #button #ESP #filter #estop #News #dns #ad
Scavenging my own home for parts because I really need to rule out this certain problem is not caused by a faulty #ESP8266... And in the process producing more faulty boards 😬
@arthrowl @amcewen It would be the @MCQN_Ltd way.
We might use it as the nudge to finish upgrading #Bubblino. The whirring of motors and bubbles is a little gentler for a shared office (and with a bell the coffee drinkers would keep thinking there was fresh coffee ready 🤣 )
There's a new #ESP8266-based #PCB sat on @amcewen's desk waiting for it.
In fact, with all the #RSS support in #Mastodon it would be almost like going back to the old days (when Twitter search was RSS!)
#mastodon #rss #pcb #ESP8266 #Bubblino
Hello 👋
An #introduction. We are #MCQN_Ltd, an #IndieMfg company in #Liverpool.
We make (and sell) gentle, Internet-connected objects, and help others build their #embedded and #IoT projects. So expect anything from Internet-connected bubble machines to sensors on wave-energy #prototypes.
We're strong believers in #OpenSource; both #firmware and #electronics/#PCB.
And we work with many #microcontrollers including #ESP32 #ESP8266 #Arduino and #RaspberryPi.
#RaspberryPi #Arduino #ESP8266 #ESP32 #microcontrollers #OSHW #OpenHardware #electronics #firmware #OpenSource #prototypes #IoT #embedded #Liverpool #IndieMfg #MCQN_Ltd #introduction
@jonnypencils I just found a blog post by @olimex which I already searched for when I read your toot for the first time, but did not find back then. Maybe this is also relevant in your case since the #WiModem is also based on the #ESP8266 (AFAIK).
Der offizielle WLAN-Kommunikationsdongle meines nicht gerade billigen Wechselrichters meldet sich mit Hostname "expressif" wie jedes #esp32/ #ESP8266 board.
Habe ich erwartet, dass sowas drin steckt?
Habe ich trotzdem fast zehn Minuten die Geräteübersicht der #Fritzbox durchkämmt, bis ich das Gerät erkannt habe?
#solarenergie #Fritzbox #ESP8266 #esp32