Now combining ES-Shape 2 + ceramic filter + directional crackles, it's all coming together at last!
Progress on the Directional Crackle Generator as of today. Is this chaotic enough? :)
Some progress on the directional cracks generator to simulate ceramic cracks.
I've been adding tons of stuffs to the upcoming ES-Shape lately (ah... when motivation is there!). Today I tried to make directional ceramic cracks with it (along with other Designer nodes) and to my surprise it looks quite cool! Next step is to make it possible for the user to setup directions easily + various option. Then I will integrate it to the ceramic filter I worked on earlier.
#ESShape #Substance3DDesigner #Substance3D
#substance3d #Substance3DDesigner #ESShape
Preparing the demo SBS of ES-Shape 1.2, with new cool effects and I'll also check about adapting it to other Substance 3D hosts.
#substance3d #Substance3DDesigner #ESShape
I've been adding another effect to #ESShape I called "sweep" creating a fake 3D effect which, combined to radial symmetry, can create quite cool rosace-type shapes.
This effect is custom-made using an FX-Map and very simple to control. As for the radial symmetry, this will come in the next tool update.
I added simple radial symmetry controls to ES-Shape. This will enable easier creation of a few patterns I have in mind.
#Substance3DDesigner #ESShape