I'm curently cheking out the capabilites of the DivMMC expansion and getting familiar with

So right now I'm looking into how to create .TRD disk image files on and in the process I've done a few, very little changes to the C code of "TRDtool" by Shiru so that it will compile on Linux using gcc instead of Windows (here's the original code for the Windows version:

The adapted version is working quite well and along with "taput" which lets you read/write data to and from .TAP files (github.com/Sivvus/taput) I've now created a .TRD image file that contains the HiSoft DevPac Assembler and Disassembler.

This is all new to me, so I wonder:
did any of you use Betdisk controller and TR-DOS back in the day on the ?

#ESXDOS #zxspctrum #trdos #linux #speccy

Last updated 2 years ago