Random Old Comic: Armor https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/11/21/armor/ Armor Reference: http://people.com/style/justice-league-wonder-woman-amazon-sexy-costumes-controversy/ #DC #DorothyZbornak #ET #Penthesilea #Spock #Superman https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/886162632952231?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#dc #dorothyzbornak #ET #penthesilea #spock #superman
@freakazoid Oh, look at THAT! Now I *REALLY* need to make a space contact with my umbrella! #ET #PhoneHome
Relatedly, in a recent article I misread "He was also charged by Manhattan prosecutors with falsifying business records related to hush money payments to women who say they had extramarital affairs with him."
I first read it as "hush money payments to women who say they had extraterrestrial affairs with him." and I thought, wow, that explains so much...
#ET #extraterrestrial #affair #women #orange #moron #HushMoney #PoorMelania #trump
#ET #Extraterrestrial #affair #women #Orange #moron #hushmoney #poormelania #Trump
Random Old Comic: Boop https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/18/boop/ Boop #DarthVader #ET #StarWars https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/867548561480305?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Random Old Comic: Red https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/09/21/red-2/ Red #Alien #Daredevil #DorothyZbornak #ET #GoldenGirls #Gorn #Marvel #Medusa #StarTrek #Xenomorph https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/864756391759522?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#alien #daredevil #dorothyzbornak #ET #goldengirls #gorn #Marvel #medusa #startrek #xenomorph
The story about Valiant Thor has always fascinated me. Though I find it doubtful that the following recording is a an interview with the real #ValiantThor 🔗 https://rumble.com/v30g2oe-interview-3-with-commander-thor-71623.html
#EnergyBeings #UndergroundEntities #DracoReptilian #Mars #Venus #ET #Extraterrestials #UFOs #ShapeShift #Multidimensional
#valiantthor #energybeings #undergroundentities #dracoreptilian #mars #venus #ET #extraterrestials #ufos #shapeshift #multidimensional
🤣 🤣 🤣 👽👽👽
#Crozza imita #RedRonnie best 7.7.23 #UFO con #ET a bordo ma il cielo è sempre più blu
🔵 Dans le quartier de la Saulaie, nous développons un dispositif innovant : Un réseau de chaleur #et de froid urbain.
Ce projet permet également réduire notre dépendance aux énergies fossiles : nous utilisons la chaleur des eaux usées pour son fonctionnement. ☑️
So today is the UAP
NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study public meeting, scheduled at 10:30am-2:30pm ET.
ET? ET?!
So that is 16:30 in Amsterdam o sorry: Dutch time zone.
#UAP #UFO #NASA #ET #PhenomenoneHome #Questions #space #aliens #science #research
#uap #ufo #nasa #ET #phenomenonehome #questions #space #aliens #science #research
*TODAY* #ASignInSpace online reception with artist and researcher Daniela de Paulis and interdisciplinary team.
A Sign in Space - https://asignin.space - is a bold and creative #PostDetection experiment that simulates an extraterrestrial message and invites responses from the public.
Time: Wednesday 24th May 11:15 am PDT / 20:15 CEST
SETI Institute's Press Release: https://www.seti.org/press-release/first-contact-global-team-simulates-message-extraterrestrial-intelligence-earth
#SETI #Contact #OuterSpaceStudies #ET #Xenolinguistics #CitizenScience
#asigninspace #PostDetection #seti #contact #outerspacestudies #ET #xenolinguistics #citizenscience
In Summer 2022 I started seriously converting my suburban garden to a more wildlife friendly environment.
My special focus was water and my husband and I had a great time digging out a pond in one corner of the yard.
I found out through posts on Mastodon that insects like still, shallow waters so I’ve set a broken birdbath into the ground. Just for now I added a towel dipped in sugar water because we’re having a late Spring and I think the bees are hungry!
#bees #wildlife #pollinators #ET
„Neměl jsem to dělat.“ Spielberg lituje, že podlehl tlaku a v reedici E.T. nahradil pistole vysílačkami
#spielberg #ET https://echo24.cz/a/H5hF8/zpravy-panorama-film-steven-sbielberg-nemel-jsem-to-delat-spileberg-lituje-ze-nahradil-pistole-vysilackami
I chose Lac-St-Louis today for m’y daily walk and was cheered to see that the majestic old willow tree near the Chateauguay/Léry bridge has finally budded.
The other trees are being more cautious which is probably smart since we’re expecting some rather cold, rainy weather still.
#trees #chateauguay #lery #dailywalk #river #ET
For many years this old Willow tree has been the #halfwaypoint for a local walk my husband and I like to take. In the milder seasons we sit on that bench and observe local fishermen and others take their boats in and out of the Chateauguay River.
It was damaged a few weeks back after an unseasonable ice storm that hit Quebec and Ontario.
I'm not sure whether to grieve yet or if some part will survive.
#halfwaypoint #thicktrunktuesday #montreal #chateauguay #climatechange #ET
The Sahara Desert - photographed enroute between Aswan and Abu Simbel.
#desert #Sahara #egypt #aswan #aubsimbel #ET #silentsunday
Photograph: Ceremonial throne of Princess Sitamun Location: Egyptian Museum, Cairo Date: April 2023
Sitamun's throne was found in the burial chambers of her maternal grandparents.
The view of the right arm-rest depicts the goddess Taweret in the center, and two views of the god Bes (one holding two knives, the other a tambourine).
Taweret and Bes were both household protectors.
#goddess #god #Bes #Taweret
#religion #mythology #polytheism
#ancient #ancientart #woodwork
#Egyptology #goddess #god #bes #taweret #religion #mythology #polytheism #ancient #ancientart #woodwork #ET
Where I live in Chateauguay, Quebec, one way we know that Spring is coming is with the arrival of this Canadian Coast Guard ice breaker on the Chateauguay River. It’s a hovercraft.
Ice blocks on the Chateauguay River used to cause regular Spring flooding so we used to break up the ice with dynamite.
#chateauguay #river #springflood #ET