🔥 Digital #AgriTech
"is mostly designed to catch farmers as sources of data and behaviour patterns, which can be mined for machine learning, making decisions without farmers, de-skilling them and leading to their dependence on corporations.”
Kavya Chowdry, #ETCgroup
🎧 In this interview, Sabrina Masinjila, from the African Centre for Biodiversity, speaks to #ETCgroup about some key targets in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) being negotiated 7-19 Dec 2022 at the biodiversity #COP15 in Montreal. She explains the importance of agroecology and agricultural diversity in Target 10 of the GBF, and why these are so important for biodiversity in the future.
👉 https://anchor.fm/etcgroup/episodes/COP15-an-interview-with-Sabrina-Masinjila-e1sfdi6
#Biodiversité #Agroecology #FoodSovereigntyNow #Biodiversité #Agroécologie
#ETCGroup #cop15 #biodiversite #agroecology #foodsovereigntynow #agroecologie
An absolute must-listen for anyone involved in agriculture, farming, food, or anyone on planet Earth, for that matter:
“How Tech is Remaking The Food System” - a podcast episode from Tech Won’t Save Us hosted by @parismarx, featuring Jim Thomas of the Etc. Group. It’s eye-opening, scary stuff:
Tags: #Agriculture #Farming #Food #FoodSystem #Environmentalism #FoodChain #Tech #BigData #TechGiant #Podcast #TechWontSaveUs #ParisMarx #EtcGroup #JimThomas
#jimthomas #ETCGroup #parismarx #TechWontSaveUs #podcast #techgiant #bigdata #tech #foodchain #environmentalism #FoodSystem #food #farming #agriculture
Grayscale Declares Distribution of Rights to Ethereum Proof-of-Work Tokens With SEC
#digitalcurrencymanager #GrayscaleInvestments #ProofofWorkNetwork #GrayscaleETHfunds #GrayscaleETHTrust #GrayscaleFunds #cryptomanager #Ethereum(ETH) #40000000ETHW #ETHPoWtokens #custodians #volatility #$4Million #40000ETHW #50-60TH/s #Exchanges #grayscale #Liquidity #ETCGroup #ETHWFork #ETHPoW
#DigitalCurrencyManager #grayscaleinvestments #ProofofWorkNetwork #GrayscaleETHfunds #GrayscaleETHTrust #GrayscaleFunds #cryptomanager #ethereum #40000000ETHW #ETHPoWTokens #custodians #Volatility #40000ETHW #exchanges #grayscale #Liquidity #ETCGroup #ETHWFork #ETHPOW
ETC Group Says It Will List an Exchange-Traded Product Based on Anticipated ETH Hard Fork
#Exchange-tradedproduct(ETP) #DeutscheBöerseXetra #Ethereumblockchain #ProofofStake(PoS) #EthereumHardFork #DigitalAsset #BradleyDuke #ProofofWork #ETCGroup #Finance
#exchange #DeutscheBöerseXetra #Ethereumblockchain #ProofofStake #ethereumhardfork #DigitalAsset #BradleyDuke #proofofwork #ETCGroup #finance
Biopirateria i privatitzaciĂł dels gens https://directa.cat/biopirateria-i-privatitzacio-dels-gens/ #SilviaFrederici #Biotecnologia #CapitalGroup #VĂaCampesina #Impressions #BlackRock #ETCGroup #Genètica #Monsanto
#SilviaFrederici #biotecnologia #CapitalGroup #VĂaCampesina #impressions #blackrock #ETCGroup #Genètica #monsanto