New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
Diffusion of muonic hydrogen in hydrogen gas and the measurement of the 1s
hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen
J. Nuber et al.
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 057 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #ETHZurich #PSI #IFJPAN #UniversityOfStuttgart #UniversityofCoimbra #nova #NTHU #MPQ #lmu #LKB #JGU #ANR #dfg #FCT #Ministèredel #SNF
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
The role of fluctuations in quantum and classical time crystals
Toni L. Heugel, Alexander Eichler, Ramasubramanian Chitra, Oded Zilberberg
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 053 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #ETHZurich #UniversityofKonstanz #dfg #SNF
date: 2023-04-12 13:04:21
by: AICareer (🚀Jobs-Internships-Scholarships)
PhD in Alpine Mass Movements and Machine Learning
at ETH Zürich
Check the details here:
#phd #phdposition #phdscholarship #alpine #massmovements #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelliegence #ethzurich
#phd #phdPosition #phdscholarship #alpine #massmovements #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelliegence #ETHZurich
Small Intro:
I am a postdoctoral researcher at #ETHZurich #ETHAICenter. Moving to #MPITubingen soon. I'm generally interested in learning theory, trustworthy ML including robustness, privacy, and fairness, and all things (except Ads) that would make it to tomorrow's newspaper.
Also tentatively on the job market for tenure-track positions.
Would be grateful for recommendations on whom to follow!
#ETHZurich #ethaicenter #mpitubingen
RT @ETH_en
The LIFE exoplanet mission @LIFE_Telescope by #ETHZurich got featured in @ForbesScience! 👏 Read the article here:
@MMKeupp Hallo, Sie sind Marcus Keupp, Militärökonom an der #ETHZurich , richtig? Ich habe einen Link zu einem Interview mit Ihnen auf Watson getrötet, und möchte gerne Ihr Mastodon-Profil verlinken.
Ein großartiges Interview mit Militärokonom Marcus Keupp von der #ETHZurich über den Krieg in der #Ukraine und dessen Konsequenzen für die #Wirtschaft in #Russland :
#ETHZurich #ukraine #wirtschaft #Russland
I seriously miss #teaching. Like the “meeting my students every week for two hours and get them to understand the theory they just had learnt in the lecture”- kind of teaching.
Never thought I’d say this, but I miss the kind of teaching I did during my master’s at #ETHZurich. 😅