Why a European Central Carbon Bank would help stabilise EU climate policy https://www.euractiv.com/section/emissions-trading-scheme/opinion/why-a-european-central-carbon-bank-would-help-stabilise-eu-climate-policy/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #carbonemissions #climatepolicy #ETS #EUETS
#carbonemissions #climatepolicy #ETS #EUETS
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[The Energy Transition Show]
[Episode #203] – The Case for Climate Optimism
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[The Energy Transition Show]
[Episode #203] – The Case for Climate Optimism
[The Energy Transition Show]
[Episode #202] – UK’s Green Day
[The Energy Transition Show]
[Episode #202] – UK’s Green Day
Putting money behind the EU’s Industrial Policy https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/putting-money-behind-the-eus-industrial-policy/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EconomyBrief #ETS #NetZeroIndustryAct #NZIA
#economybrief #ETS #netzeroindustryact #nzia
RT Stephan Mock
Re @micha_bloss @CDU_CSU_EP Sie meinen, CDU/CSU haben gegen
➡️ #Verbrennerverbot
➡️ #Zwangssanierung
➡️ #Zwangsstillegung von Feldern gestimmt.
Echten #Klimaschutz haben @peterliese mit #ETS und @markuspiepermep mit #RED2 voran gebracht.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/StephanMock/status/1679047699377672193
#verbrennerverbot #Zwangssanierung #Zwangsstillegung #Klimaschutz #ETS #RED2
Carbon credits for tree planting should only ever be loans. Repayable if the forest is ever cut down, or burns in a forest fire, or anything else.
RT @PKurzyk: #AkademiaPiS rozpoczynamy wykładem o systemie #ETS oraz #FitFor55 przez @AnnaZalewskaMEP 🇵🇱
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnnaZalewskaMEP/status/1662405161514352640
Covered in this week’s Green Mobility Policy Brief:
⚡ Electric vehicle charging in the #EU #competitionlaw spotlight;
🛫 #ETS will be more expensive than CORSIA for the foreseeable future;
🚛 Enough public charging for higher EU truck #CO2 targets, analysis finds
🤝 European Green Deal: New EU-Norway Green Alliance to deepen cooperation on #climate, #environment, #energy, and clean #industry.
#eu #competitionlaw #ETS #co2 #climate #environment #energy #industry #electricvehicle #transport #sustainability
#EU 理事会は25日、温室効果ガス排出削減目標の達成に向け、5本の重要法案を採択。
これにより、排出量取引制度 EU #ETS の強化と対象範囲の拡大や、炭素リーケージに対応するための #炭素国境調整メカニズム(#CBAM)の立ち上げが確定した
👉 https://euin.jp/20230426b
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1651131723755732992
This week, the Council also adopted other #Fitfor55 laws, which will help the EU and its member states reach their climate goals:
✔️ EU emissions trading system #ETS
✔️ social climate fund #SCF
More about the EU's plan for a green transition 👉 http://europa.eu/!VJwwXr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncil/status/1651112486827900928
‼️Tego nie zobaczysz w TVP‼️
❗️Zablokowane 265 mld złotych z #KPO,
❗️Zagrożone jest 345 mld złotych z funduszy spójności (z czego 30 procent ma iść na transformację).
❗️Dodatkowo głosując przeciwko reformie #ETS sprzeciwili się zwiększeniu o ponad 15 mld złotych…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LukaszKohut/status/1651155522089897984
#Fitfor55 laws adopted:
✔️EU emissions trading system #ETS
✔️social climate fund #SCF
A key step towards #ClimateNeutralEU:
🏭greening power and energy-intensive industries
⛽cutting emissions in transport and buildings
🧑🤝🧑supporting people most affected by the green transition
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncil/status/1650843514710769670
#Fitfor55 #ETS #SCF #ClimateNeutralEU
🇪🇺 Größtes Klimaschutzgesetz aller Zeiten ist jetzt endgültig angenommen. 2⃣3⃣ EU Staaten stimmen für besseren Klimaschutz, stärkere Innovationen & am wichtigsten: mehr Unterstützung für sozial schwache Menschen. Mein Statement 👉 https://bit.ly/3AsigK0 #ETS @CDU_CSU_EP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/peterliese/status/1650799199716352004
RT @SPDEuropa: Bonjour! Heute startet die Abstimmungswoche des EU-Parlaments im April.
Unsere Schwerpunkte:
🤝 #FitFor55-Paket: Klimafonds für sozialen Ausgleich
🌳 Geschäftsmodell #Entwaldung wird gestoppt
🏭#FitFor55: Emissionshandel reformieren, nachhaltige Technologien fördern #ETS 1/2👇 https://t.co/fNXfA8Zrka
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EuropaJens/status/1647983173517692930
"Increased climate ambition in aviation is crucial to achieving the Paris Agreement climate goals", says MEP @SuncanaGlavak, rapporteur on the #ETS aviation file.
The European Parliament has approved this law this week along with three others from the #FitFor55 package.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1650129899737460736
RT @EPPGroup: 👏 We have successfully improved the EU's #FitFor55 package, ensuring that all #ETS revenues are directed toward climate measures.
We are also fighting for a strengthened, strategic European industry policy!
Read @peterliese’s view: https://www.eppgroup.eu/newsroom/news/those-who-reduce-co2-must-be-rewarded
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/peterliese/status/1649677341566566400
👏 We have successfully improved the EU's #FitFor55 package, ensuring that all #ETS revenues are directed toward climate measures.
We are also fighting for a strengthened, strategic European industry policy!
Read @peterliese’s view: https://epp.group/t4kp0g
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1649676967933800449
Aviation emissions are set to rise by 2050
Revision of the EU #ETS for aviation aims to ensure the sector contributes to climate goals
#EPlenary #Fitfor55 @EP_Environment @pcanfin @SuncanaGlavak @milan_brglez @dieGamon @BasEickhout @AnnaZalewskaMEP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1648008670641528832