· @love_create
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"So, what you're seeing is this bifurcation of your society between the controlled and the uncontrollable and what we want you to know, is there a far more uncontrollable ones than there appears because this, this innate human spirit desire, spirits desire for freedom, love, and creativity is unextinguishable bubble by any other than we will say chemical mechanical means.

And that is what that those vaccines are. Chemical mechanical means employed in an effort to shut down your natural, spiritual desire for freedom, creativity, and love, and they can do it.

And this is the point that is so important for all of you on Earth to understand is that maintaining your freedom, your freedom of mind is the most important practice you can do if you're interested in supporting contact, because it is in your spiritual freedom and your spiritual knowledge and the demonstrations through your behaviour, thoughts, words, and actions that you employ. It is those that are going to show to the extra-terrestrial community
that is waiting to make contact with you, that you are ready, any that are choosing incarceration, whether it be chemical or mental or emotional incarceration are by their very actions demonstrating that they are not yet evolved enough.

So, what you're having is you're going to have a portion of the population that is going to have increasing contact in real terms. And what you're having with the mainstream media dissemination of the extra-terrestrial information is a controlled and contaminated leaking of that information. For those that are not choosing freedom, for those that are hooked into CNN, for those that are taking the vaccine, that information has to be employed because there is, there's enough, there's enough leakage, we'll say through the internet, through all of this information that they cannot deny it anymore carte blanche. So, they are saying let's give them a little bit so that it satisfies and stops them questioning because it's the questioning from the masses that is the most dangerous thing because when you keep the questioning going, that is the symbol of a mind that is curious and is going to explore.

And that is where your spirit wants to be. If you give you spoon-feed people enough information that shuts down their curiosity, then they are not as open to the truth, they will say. 'Oh, that, that makes sense. Yes. Okay. Just give me that little bit of information. Now I can go back to watching Netflix that's fine. I'm happy.'"

-channeled through Tina Spalding

, , , , , -terrestrialcontact,

#notavaccine #control #Ascension #et #ETcommunity #Extra #ETcontact

Last updated 3 years ago