Adolescent tué par un policier à Nanterre : le résumé des événements
#France #europa #EU #Justice #Climat #Egalite #europe #EU2022CZ #Politique #Journalisme #Journal #Presse #Média #radiolondres #AvecVous #stopponsmacron #AperoCitoyen #LREM #AntiFa #AntiFascists #FuckNazis #FuckMAGA #anarchism #Squad #20Years #ACAB
#france #europa #eu #justice #climat #egalite #europe #EU2022CZ #politique #journalisme #journal #presse #media #radiolondres #Avecvous #stopponsmacron #AperoCitoyen #lrem #antifa #antifascists #fucknazis #fuckmaga #anarchism #squad #20years #acab
Violence Policiere
Bilan des victimes : Retraite du 7 Février 2023
#France #europa #EU #Justice #Climat #Egalite #europe #EU2022CZ #Politique #Journalisme #Journal #Presse #Média #radiolondres #AvecVous #stopponsmacron #AperoCitoyen #LREM #AntiFa #AntiFascists #FuckNazis #FuckMAGA #anarchism #Squad #20Years #ACAB
#france #europa #eu #justice #climat #egalite #europe #EU2022CZ #politique #journalisme #journal #presse #media #radiolondres #Avecvous #stopponsmacron #AperoCitoyen #lrem #antifa #antifascists #fucknazis #fuckmaga #anarchism #squad #20years #acab
Bring back November last year. Those where the days, when FDP was perfectly happy with the deal and joined a happy coalition in the Council.
RT @EU2022_CZ: #COREPERI | ✅ First #FitFor55 proposal approved by the Member States!
Ambassadors gave a green light to political agreement with @europarl_en on the CO2 emission standards for cars and vans 🚙💨
The text will be soon submitted for formal approval to @europarl_en.
"Jugend Gemeinsam für 🇪🇺Europa"! Noch bis zum 15. Februar 2023 sind junge Menschen in den 🇩🇪deutsch-🇨🇿tschechischen Grenzregionen eingeladen, ihre Prioritäten für den Aufbau eines starken & nachhaltigen Europas zu äußern
@ccmunich @JefPassau @_BJR_ @EUinDE
RT @Make_orgDE: 📢Im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung von @ccentretandem anlässlich des #EYY2022 und der #EU2022CZ freut sich @Make_orgDE, den Start einer neuen grenzüberschreitenden partizipati…
Sweden 🇸🇪 took over the @EUCouncil Presidency on 1 January 2023.
#ENISA is looking forward to work with @Sweden2023EU for a more cyber secure Europe!
A big thank you to 🇨🇿 @eu2022_cz for the great work and achievements during their Presidency! #NIS2
#ENISA #NIS2 #EU2023SE #EU2022CZ
K 🇨🇿 předsednictví v Radě #EU, unijní jednotě vůči ruské agresi na Ukrajině, rozšíření 🇪🇺 i Schengenu či spolupráci ve střední Evropě: rozhovor ministra zahraničních věcí pro tříkrálové vydání 🇦🇹 listu
👉 #EU2022CZ
今月より6カ月間、#スウェーデン 🇸🇪@sweden2023eu が #EU 理事会の議長国となります。
2022年後半に議長国を務めた #チェコ 🇨🇿@EU2022_CZ 、お疲れ様でした! #EUinJapan
RT @EUCouncil: It's time to say goodbye or 'na shledanou' to the 🇨🇿 Czech Council presidency @EU2022_CZ.
Thank you for all your excellent work! 🙏 Ahoj a díky za skvělou spolupráci!
👋 On 1 January, we say hello and 'hej' to 🇸🇪 Sweden @sweden2023eu.
Stay tuned!
#スウェーデン #EU #チェコ #euinjapan #EU2022CZ #CZPRES #EU2023SE
RT @SwedeninUSA: It's time to pass the baton! Every 6 months, a different EU country holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU — it’s now Sweden’s turn!
Watch 🇨🇿 Amb. Miloslav Stasek @CzechEmbassyDC handing over the 🇪🇺 presidency to 🇸🇪 Amb. Karin Olofsdotter @SWEambUSA
Mit dem heutigen Tag übernimmt Schweden 🇸🇪 von Tschechien 🇨🇿 den Vorsitz im EU-Rat 🇪🇺 👉@sweden2023eu.
Ab 1. Juli 2023 ist dann Spanien 🇪🇸 an der Reihe.
RT @EUCouncil: It's time to say goodbye or 'na shledanou' to the 🇨🇿 Czech Council presidency @EU2022_CZ.
Thank you for all your excellent work! 🙏 Ahoj a díky za skvělou spolupráci!
👋 On 1 January, we say hello and 'hej' to 🇸🇪 Sweden @sweden2023eu.
Stay tuned!
Welcome 2023; with Sweden as Council Presidency. Follow @sweden2023eu
RT @EUCouncil: It's time to say goodbye or 'na shledanou' to the 🇨🇿 Czech Council presidency @EU2022_CZ.
Thank you for all your excellent work! 🙏 Ahoj a díky za skvělou spolupráci!
👋 On 1 January, we say hello and 'hej' to 🇸🇪 Sweden @sweden2023eu.
Stay tuned!
A warm welcome to Sweden taking the EU Council Presidency today 🇪🇺🇸🇪.
I look forward to a constructive and successful cooperation in matters related to agriculture. #EU2023SE
Thank you 🇨🇿 Czech Council presidency @EU2022_CZ for your excellent work! #EU2022CZ
RT @sweden2023eu: We’re live! Follow #EU2023SE on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for news and in-depth coverage of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU. 🇪🇺🇸🇪 Read more here: https://swedish-presid…
Από σήμερα, 1η Ιανουαρίου 2023, η Σουηδία αναλαμβάνει την εξάμηνη εκ περιτροπής προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της ΕΕ, παίρνοντας τη σκυτάλη από την Τσεχική Δημοκρατία.
Ευχαριστούμε 🇨🇿 #EU2022CZ και καλωσορίζουμε την @sweden2023eu 🇸🇪#EU2023SE!
From today, 1 January 2023, Sweden will hold the six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union, taking over from the Czech Republic which has held the Presidency for the past six months.
Thank you 🇨🇿 #EU2022CZ and welcome 🇸🇪#EU2023SE!
Follow @sweden2023eu for more!
É hora de dizer adeus ou 'na shledanou' à presidência do Conselho 🇪🇺Tcheco 🇨🇿 @EU2022_CZ
Obrigado por todo o seu excelente trabalho! 🙏 Ahoj a díky za skvělou spolupráci!
👋 No dia 1 de janeiro, dizemos olá e 'hej' à 🇸🇪 Suécia @sweden2023eu
#EU2022CZ #CZPRES #EU2023S
RT @EUCouncil: It's time to say goodbye or 'na shledanou' to the 🇨🇿 Czech Council presidency @EU2022_CZ.
Thank you for all your excellent work! 🙏 Ahoj a díky za skvělou spolupráci!
👋 On 1 January…
RT @sweden2023eu: Now it's time to pick up the baton. On 1 January, Sweden takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Thank you, @eu2022_cz, for all your hard work over the past six months and for a successful presidency.
Děkujeme, Česká republiko!
🗓️ Αύριο αποχαιρετούμε τη Τσεχία που είχε την προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της ΕΕ τους τελευταίους έξι μήνες & καλωσορίζουμε τη 🇸🇪 Σουηδία που θα την αναλάβει για το επόμενο εξάμηνο.
It's time to say goodbye or 'na shledanou' to the 🇨🇿 Czech Council presidency @EU2022_CZ.
Thank you for all your excellent work! 🙏 Ahoj a díky za skvělou spolupráci!
👋 On 1 January, we say hello and 'hej' to 🇸🇪 Sweden @sweden2023eu.
Stay tuned!
Thanks to @EU2022_CZ for the good cooperation!
Welcome @sweden2023eu!
RT @sweden2023eu: Now it's time to pick up the baton. On 1 January, Sweden takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Thank you, @eu2022_cz, for all your hard work over the past six months and for a successful presidency.
Děkujeme, Česká republiko!
Tomorrow is the last day of the Czech 🇨🇿 Presidency of the @EUCouncil.
For 6⃣ months we worked together with our friends & colleagues from @EU2022_CZ on the EU’s 🇪🇺 common approach to #JudicialCooperation and on delivering #justice.
Děkujeme #EU2022CZ!
#JudicialCooperation #justice #EU2022CZ
#EKHrvatska tim ( @OgnianZlatev, Klara i Karlo) obranio je 🇪🇺 boje na 🏸 badminton turniru 🇨🇿 veleposlanstva & 🇭🇷 badminton saveza 17. prosinca. #motivationtoplay
Podrška @hrv_olimp_odbor, Agram klub & American Academy Zagreb. #EUSport #EU2022CZ 👏
#EKHrvatska #motivationtoplay #EUSport #EU2022CZ