On Roma Holocaust Memorial Day #WeRemember
🔴the 500,000 Roma & Sinti murdered under the Nazi regime
🔵that Roma still face exclusion, discrimination & #antigypsyism in Europe today
🟢that in the EU, we strive for openness, mutual understanding & respect for all!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1686628647120052224
#WeRemember #antigypsyism #EU4Roma
Re I call on EU Member States to step up their efforts to raise awareness of Roma history, including the Roma Holocaust.
This is crucial for fighting #antigypsyism, hate speech and discrimination.
#EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1686726145092300801
#antigypsyism #EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality
RT Věra Jourová
Freedom we enjoy today carries a responsibility and requires action.
Europe has a duty to protect its minorities from racism and discrimination.
Our statement on Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1686741384345116672
In the EU there is no place for antigypsyism.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1671775023743352833
#NoPlace4Hate #EU4Roma #NoToHate
Did you know this week is #RomaWeek?
Join the series of events that explore ways to tackle antigypsyism and discrimination, and promote Roma participation and leadership. #EU4Roma
For more see: https://romaweek.eu/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1650741431861129217
Did you know this week is #RomaWeek?
Join the series of events that explore ways to tackle antigypsyism and discrimination, and promote Roma participation and leadership. #EU4Roma
For more see: https://romaweek.eu/
Wishing all of the participants a productive #RomaWeek. Good opportunity to discuss findings from Roma Civil Monitor & @EU_Commission’s assessment of national strategic frameworks and plot follow-up actions. https://romaweek.eu/ #EU4Roma
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1650388774851944448
We urge 🇸🇰Slovakia to step up their efforts to improve Roma inclusion in education!
This week @EU_Commission referred Slovakia to @EUCourtPress for insufficient efforts to address discrimination against Roma children at school.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1649353133519257600
On #InternationalRomaDay - and every day - we are determined to fight against antigypsyism and promote equality for Roma people.
All Roma deserve:
💙freedom to express their own identity and culture
💚equal opportunities
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1644611041849147394
#InternationalRomaDay #EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality
W Międzynarodowym Dniu Romów obchodzimy święto naszej najliczniejszej mniejszości w Europie. Świętujemy różnorodność, język, sztukę i kulturę Romów oraz ich wkład w historię Europy
↓ Dowiedz się więcej
#InternationalRomaDay #EU4Roma #UniaRówności🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1644654000988454912
#InternationalRomaDay #EU4Roma #UniaRówności
На Международния ден на ромите отбелязваме многообразието на най-голямото етническо малцинство в Европа.
В ЕС живеят 6 млн. роми, които ежедневно се сблъскват с предразсъдъци и дискриминация.
ЕС се стреми да е Съюз на равенството, включително и за ромската общност.👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1644611041127538698
Na #InternationalRomaniDay slavimo bogatu raznolikost, jezik, umjetnost i kulturu Roma, najveće etničke manjine u Europi.
U 🇪🇺 ❌ mjesta za diskriminaciju.
S ponosom surađujemo s @EUCouncil na projektu #EQUIROM za borbu protiv stereotipa o Romima u🎙.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1644607863292145667
#InternationalRomaniDay #EQUIROM #UnionOfEquality #EU4Roma
The #EURightsAgency #RomaEU survey took the pulse of Roma inclusion and equality in 10 countries.
Curious to know how we did it?
The technical report reveals all.
Get it here: https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2023/roma-survey-2021-technical-report
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1634103132589260801
#EURightsAgency #RomaEU #EU4Roma
The #EURightsAgency #RomaEU survey took the pulse of Roma inclusion and equality in 10 countries.
Curious to know how we did it?
The technical report reveals all.
Get it here: https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2023/roma-survey-2021-technical-report
#EURightsAgency #RomaEU #EU4Roma
With @helenadalli and #Roma & pro-Roma NGOs from Hungary today.
We are discussing how we can make the best use of the available EU funds to achieve real progress in improving the lives of marginalised Roma communities.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1623732749348610048
#Roma #EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality
#FactFriday: Did you know that only 2 out of 3 young #EU4Roma & Travellers completed lower secondary education?
The numbers speak for themselves.
#OurDataYourAlly for all your campaign needs
For more see: https://fra.europa.eu/en/youth
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1616345157271535618
#FactFriday #EU4Roma #OurDataYourAlly
#FactFriday: Did you know that only 2 out of 3 young #EU4Roma & Travellers completed lower secondary education?
The numbers speak for themselves.
#OurDataYourAlly for all your campaign needs
For more see: https://fra.europa.eu/en/youth
#factfriday #EU4Roma #OurDataYourAlly
The report of @EU_Commission assessing EU countries' strategies for Roma equality is available on @EURLex
✅ https://europa.eu/!P3nmdf
✅ https://europa.eu/!rvkG48
#EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality #EURoma2030
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURLex/status/1612745494043963395
#EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality #EURoma2030
RT @EU_Justice@twitter.com
Today @EU_Commission@twitter.com published a report assessing EU countries' strategies for Roma equality.
What are the key findings?⤵️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EU_Justice/status/1612417062906757122
Komisija v oceni nac. strateških okvirov držav #EU4Roma ugotavlja, da v njih cilji niso dovolj jasno definirani.
Premalo ambiciozni so tudi ukrepi za boj proti segregaciji v izobraževanju in za reševanje stanovanjske problematike. #UnionOfEquality
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1612499213773840384