RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AmbassadorEU/status/1582996823559413760
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
Los embajadores de la UE representan a la UE en el mundo y dan voz a nuestros valores e intereses europeos mientras promueven la paz, la democracia y los derechos humanos en todo el mundo. Echa un vistazo rápido a su semana en Bruselas durante la Conferencia #EUAmbassadors
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights a…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1583224983601303552
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUpalestinians/status/1583035118842654720
世界各地で活躍する #EU の大使たちは、平和、#民主主義 および #人権 を推進しながら、欧州の価値や利益の具現化に取り組んでいる。先週、3年ぶりにベルギー・ブリュッセルで対面形式で開催されたEU大使年次会合の模様をまとめた👇
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
RT @EUAmbUS: An excellent gathering of #EUAmbassadors comes to a close, our first in-person meeting in 3 (covid-hit) years. Reenergized and back in our home fronts, in over 140 countries in the world.
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULEXKosovo/status/1582828849951551488
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
RT @eu_eeas: EU Ambassadors represent the EU in the world and give voice to our European values and interests while promoting peace, democracy and human rights around the globe. Take a quick look at their week in Brussels during the #EUAmbassadors Conference
RT @AndreaFontanaEU: During the #EUAmbassadors conference we had the privilege to meet the Presidents of #EU institutions & discuss the growing EU role in a multipolar world.
Quote of the week: #EU Delegations are the jewel in the crown of #eudiplomacy
#EUAmbassadors #EU #EUdiplomacy
브뤼셀 EU 본부에서 진행되고 있는 EU 재외 대사 컨퍼런스에서, 무의식적 편견을 극복하고 완전한 #성평등 을 보장하기위해 젠더 대응 리더십 세션을 가졌습니다. 우리는 함께 변화를 만들어야 합니다. #양성평등
RT @SanninoEU: Still work to do to overcoming unconscious biases & ensure full gender equality. Also in the EU institutions. That’s why we dedicated a session of our #EUAmbassadors conference to gender-responsive leadership, w/ @ernesturtasun and @StellaRonner. We need to create change together
RT @LaranjinhaEU1: On the margins of #EUAmbassadors Conference we held a regional session on Africa. An occasion for an excellent discussion on how to address challenges ahead & keep #EUAfrica relations at the heart of EU's foreign policy @eu_eeas @quintinEU1 @EU_Partnerships
RT @LaranjinhaEU1: On the margins of #EUAmbassadors Conference we held a regional session on Africa. An occasion for an excellent discussion on how to address challenges ahead & keep #EUAfrica relations at the heart of EU's foreign policy @eu_eeas @quintinEU1 @EU_Partnerships
RT @EUAmbCanada: Great exchanges at #EUAmbassadors conference this week w/ leaders, civil society and colleagues on how to chart the way forward for #EU external action. In a world where energy and information is weaponized and our climate in crisis, 🇪🇺action & close partnerships🇨🇦 are crucial.
Debate de #EUAmbassadors sobre las diferentes percepciones del papel global de la UE con HR/VP @JosepBorrellF Oby Ezekwesili @obyezeks,
@GarimaMo y @EU_ISS Gustav Lindstrom. ⬇️
RT @eu_eeas: #EUAmbassadors discussion on the different perceptions of the EU global role with HR/VP @JosepBorrellF , Oby Ezekwesili @obyezeks, @GarimaMo and @EU_ISS Gustav Lindstrom.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1581022463504228353
El Secretario General del @eu_eeas @SanninoEU mantuvo un intercambio hoy con #EUAmbassadors sobre cómo apoyar de la mejor manera su trabajo sobre el terreno. ⬇️
RT @eu_eeas: EEAS Secretary General @SanninoEU had an exchange today with #EUAmbassadors on how to support at the best their work on the ground.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1581021672572063745