🛜 The #IoT revolution is here. But a significant amount of industrial #data remains unused.
The new 🇪🇺 #EUDataAct will make more data available for use. It will set up rules on who can use & access what data for which purposes across all sectors in the #EU.
Learn more ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1689177441884119040
Last week an agreement has been reached on the #EUDataAct, aiming at boosting the EU's #data economy 🤝.
🤓 We have sent our digital explorers on their journey around the #EU towards the use of data & see how it can improve our lives 🇪🇺.
Have a look ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1676219055827742720
🤖 Here's your weekly #DigitalDigest
🪙 Learn more about the #DigitalEuro
🤝 #EUDataAct: agreement reached
🦸 6 new sites across EU to host & operate @EuroHPC_JU #Quantum computers
⚡️ Welcome to 🇲🇪🇲🇰🇦🇱🇷🇸 in the #DigitalEUProgramme
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1675414005953748992
#DigitalDigest #DigitalEuro #EUDataAct #Quantum #DigitalEUProgramme #DigitalEU
RT Digital EU 🇪🇺
✅Agreement reached on the #EUDataAct
The 🇪🇺 #DataAct aims to boost the EU's data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimising its accessibility & use, and fostering a competitive & reliable European #cloud market.
Learn more 🔗 https://europa.eu/!QBfQXt
#DigitalEU https://n.respublicae.eu/vestager/status/1673929806746886144 https://t.co/I0gAjjRDGs
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Margrethe Vestager: We have a deal on the 🇪🇺 #DataAct! 🥳
This is a major step in our journey towards a #SingleMarket for #data. It will make data flows bigger, easier and safer for people & businesses.
And this is needed for our #digital #transformation.
@EUCouncil https://t.co/b8mLj8txjd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1673981764874690561
#EUDataAct #dataact #cloud #DigitalEU #SingleMarket #data #digital #transformation
Η Επιτροπή χαιρετίζει την επίτευξη πολιτικής συμφωνίας σχετικά με τη θέσπιση κανόνων για μια δίκαιη και καινοτόμο οικονομία δεδομένων!
#EUDataAct https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1673981764874690561
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Digital EU 🇪🇺: ✅Agreement reached on the #EUDataAct
The 🇪🇺 #DataAct aims to boost the EU's data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimising its accessibility & use, and fostering a competitive & reliable European #cloud market.
Learn more 🔗 https://europa.eu/!QBfQXt
#DigitalEU https://n.respublicae.eu/vestager/status/1673929806746886144 https://t.co/I0gAjjRDGs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1673987545066078211
#EUDataAct #dataact #cloud #DigitalEU
Currently, the #EUDataAct is being negotiated in trilogue. The positions of the EP and the Council contain important points, but further improvements are necessary. @vzbv has published recommendations on this 👇👇👇
Derzeit wird der #EUDataAct im Trilog verhandelt. Die Positionen des EP und des Rats enthalten wichtige Punkte, trotzdem sind weitere Verbesserungen notwendig. Der @vzbv hat dazu Empfehlungen veröffentlicht 👇👇👇
RT @guildeu: ➡️“The conditions for #universities to access #data are very limited” said The Guild's Senior Policy Officer @ChicotJulien in a recent article published by @ScienceBusiness
➡️Learn more about the position of university research actors on the #EUDataAct 👉 https://sciencebusiness.net/news/Data/eu-poised-give-industry-data-boost-and-universities-want
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1635964792111333379
#Universities #data #EUDataAct
RT @EUREC_Info: A recent @scibus article shows that the #EUDataAct is a missed opportunity to provide universities & research organisations with access to more data
80% of industrial data is underused - @delcastillop notes that data is a vital "competitiveness asset"
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/delcastillop/status/1635693081063305254
Fast&secure use of #data is key to #economic #development.#EUDataAct is important towards of a more efficient and #transparent data sharing,the primary goal of which is to #protect the interest of #EU citizens.A clear legislative environment is crucial that also protects #SMEs.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/toth_edina/status/1635565039322116104
#data #economic #development #EUDataAct #transparent #protect #EU #SMEs
MEPs debate from 9:00 the #EUDataAct
🎥Follow the debate live: http://eptwitter.eu/qBwQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/europarlAV/status/1635539759694073856
On the agenda are these topics:
☑️ #EUDataAct
☑️ #accessibility for #endusers with #disabilities
☑️ #regulation in the #digitalera
☑️ #BEREC working plans 2024
Engage with the top #telecom #experts 👉 register on https://berec-stakeholder-forum.eu/registration/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BERECeuropaeu/status/1631237132839706626
#EUDataAct #accessibility #EndUsers #disabilities #regulation #digitalera #BEREC #telecom #experts #networking #Europe #telco
Reparaturen von technischen Geräten sind aktuell häufig nur durch den Hersteller möglich – und dadurch oft teuer. Neue EU-Regeln sollen dafür sorgen, dass Nutzende selbst entscheiden, ob sie ihre Geräte-Daten an Dritte weitergeben – etwa für eine Reparatur des Handys: #EuDataAct @SchulzkiHaddouti https://www.riffreporter.de/de/technik/daten-teilen-data-act-datengesetz-eu-reparatur-datenschutz
Was ist der #EUDataAct? Und wie können mit Daten gesellschaftlich wünschenswerte Geschäftsmodelle ermöglicht werden, ohne dass das Daten- und Verbraucherschutzniveau erodieren?
Über diese und weitere Fragen spreche ich im Interview https://www.vzbv.de/meldungen/data-act-fuer-mehr-kontrolle-ueber-die-eigenen-daten
⚡️ Τα δεδομένα είναι γνώση & συνεχώς αυξάνονται.
2018 ➡️ Δημιουργήθηκαν 33 ZB
2025 ➡️ Αναμένονται 175 ZB
Το #EUDataAct θα επιτρέψει μια δίκαιη οικονομία & θα εξασφαλίσει τον Ψηφιακό Μετασχηματισμό της 🇪🇺 έως το 2030.
🔗 https://europa.eu/!dqw9Wr #DigitalEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1605110795553370112
#DataAct: The @EP_Industry@twitter.com amendments are now available https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/ITRE-AM-738509_EN.pdf
⚡️ Τα δεδομένα είναι γνώση & συνεχώς αυξάνονται
2018 ➡️ Δημιουργήθηκαν 33 ZB
2025 ➡️ Αναμένονται 175 ZB
Το #EUDataAct θα επιτρέψει μια δίκαιη οικονομία βασισμένη στα δεδομένα & θα εξασφαλίσει τον Ψηφιακό Μετασχηματισμό της 🇪🇺 έως το 2030.
The @EP_Industry@twitter.com draft report on the #EUDataAct is now available. Deadline for tabling amendments: 28.10.2022 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/ITRE-PR-732704_EN.pdf
RT @DigitalEU: 🌐🇪🇺 #DYK that the #EUDataAct will:
✅ make #data more accessible for all
✅ ensure fairness in the #digital environment
✅ stimulate a competitive data market with new opportunities for businesses
Find out more ➡️ https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_1113
#DYK #EUDataAct #data #digital #DigitalEU #DataEconomy
🌐🇪🇺 #DYK that the #EUDataAct will:
✅ make #data more accessible for all
✅ ensure fairness in the #digital environment
✅ stimulate a competitive data market with new opportunities for businesses
Find out more ➡️ https://europa.eu/!Mnqkcf
#DYK #EUDataAct #data #digital #DigitalEU #DataEconomy