🔐 Τα δεδομένα σου, δικαίωμα & επιλογή σου.
Σήμερα συμπληρώνονται 5⃣ χρόνια από όταν το #GDPR τέθηκε σε ισχύ, διασφαλίζοντας στους 🇪🇺πολίτες έλεγχο 🎮 των #ΠροσωπικώνΔεδομένων κατά την περιήγηση στον ψηφιακό κόσμο.
🇪🇺 Η #EUDataProtection καθορίζει τα παγκόσμια πρότυπα 🌍
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1661697903193120768
#GDPR #ΠροσωπικώνΔεδομένων #EUDataProtection
🔐 Your data, your right & your choice.
Today marks 5⃣ years since the #GDPR entered into force, ensuring Europeans stay in control 🎮 of their #PersonalData in the digital world.
🇪🇺 #EUDataProtection setting global standards🌍
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1661687805741789184
#GDPR #PersonalData #EUDataProtection
In our daily work as #EUAgencies, we handle personal data with the greatest of care in order to fulfill this fundamental right! 🇪🇺
Find out more👇
RT @EUPublications: Today is #EuropeanDataProtectionDay!
See how the European Data Protection Supervisor @EU_EDPS supervises how your personal data are processed by the EU institutions so they comply with #EUDataProtection rules!
Learn more: 👉 https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/cf42dbce-566e-11ed-92ed-01aa75ed71a1?pk_campaign=EUP&pk_source=EUP&pk_medium=TW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFCA_EU/status/1620020282244354048
#EUAgencies #EuropeanDataProtectionDay #EUDataProtection
Today is #EuropeanDataProtectionDay!
See how the European Data Protection Supervisor @EU_EDPS supervises how your personal data are processed by the EU institutions so they comply with #EUDataProtection rules!
Learn more: 👉 https://europa.eu/!fpP9Pr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1619259021541928962
#EuropeanDataProtectionDay #EUDataProtection
RT @DrechslerLaura@twitter.com
🔎 Looking for short things to read on #EUdataprotection law involving law enforcement and data transfers to the US these last working days before Christmas? Look no further!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrechslerLaura/status/1605954349586272256
The horizontal provisions represent balanced compromise btw public & private interests to tackle protectionist practices in 3rd countries while ensuring that trade agreements can't be used to challenge high level of protection by #EUCharter fundamental rights & #EUDataProtection
👏Έχουν περάσει 4⃣ χρόνια από τότε που τέθηκε σε ισχύ ο νόμος της ΕΕ για την προστασία των δεδομένων #GDPR, ο οποίος διασφαλίζει:
👩💻 Μεγαλύτερο έλεγχο επί των προσωπικών μας δεδομένων
💼 Οφέλη για τις επιχειρήσεις χάρη στη διασφάλιση ισότιμων όρων ανταγωνισμού
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_EL/status/1529438099754913794
RT @DigitalEU: 4⃣ years of our personal #data being better protected across the EU 👏
With #GDPR:
👩💻 people have more control over their personal data
💼 businesses benefit from a level playing field
#EUDataProtection setting global standards 🌍
4⃣ years of our personal #data being better protected across the EU 👏
With #GDPR:
👩💻 people have more control over their personal data
💼 businesses benefit from a level playing field
#EUDataProtection setting global standards 🌍
RT @DigitalEU: 4⃣ years of our personal #data being better protected across the EU 👏
With #GDPR:
👩💻 people have more control over their personal data
💼 businesses benefit from a level playing field
#EUDataProtection setting global standards 🌍
RT @DigitalEU: 4⃣ years of our personal #data being better protected across the EU 👏
With #GDPR:
👩💻 people have more control over their personal data
💼 businesses benefit from a level playing field
#EUDataProtection setting global standards 🌍
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1529450607395971075
RT @DigitalEU: 4⃣ years of our personal #data being better protected across the EU 👏
With #GDPR:
👩💻 people have more control over their personal data
💼 businesses benefit from a level playing field
#EUDataProtection setting global standards 🌍