Today is the #EUFluDay! Seasonal flu vaccination is a crucial public health measure that needs to be prioritized. No EU country meets the WHO’s target coverage rate of 75% among over 65s and at-risk groups, which is also supported by the Council of the EU in a 2009 Recommendation
RT @SLOVAKIAinEU: Today is #EUFluDay🦠
💉#Vaccination against seasonal flu is a key public health measure that should be given priority in the #EU🇪🇺
Immunization through targeted vaccination is the best way 2 prevent it by protecting ourselves & others
#EUFluDay #vaccination #EU #HealthUnion #StrongerTogether #EU4Health
I am proud to support the #EUFluDay because we need to raise awareness on the need for better protection against seasonal influenza for European citizens and health systems, focusing particularly on the impact on vulnerable populations.
RT @VaccinesEurope: The third annual #EUFluDay is on 12 October. Join the webinar hosted by MEP @DolorsMM, to discuss the importance of #flu vaccination. Sign up here ➡️ #WeWontRest