RT @CPMR_ISLANDS: 🗣️@josiannecutajar MEP from Gozo & @Searica_ITG SMEs/Digitalisation Vice-Chair: calling for an #EUIslandsPact is a social justice cause towards inclusive and fair #Cohesion for all Islanders - families, workers & businesses - through #island mainstreaming in all EU 🇪🇺 policies
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/josiannecutajar/status/1585570955631493120
#EUIslandsPact #cohesion #island
RT @Searica_ITG: @josiannecutajar, our Vice-Chair for SMEs & Digitalisation, recalling at @CPMR_ISLANDS plenary meeting key points to address islands specificities:
⚓️State Aid flexibility
⚓️Connection to the grid infrastructure
⚓️Strengthening ocean governance & biodiversity
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/josiannecutajar/status/1585555053716377601
RT @CPMR_ISLANDS: 🗣️Tonino Picula, MEP & @Searica_ITG Chair :
🏝️ Islanders represent more than 15 million 🇪🇺 Europeans. They are ambassadors of a self-sufficient lifestyle in their insular territories and the strongest voices to push for an #EUIslandsPact #CPMR2022
RT @Searica_ITG: Intergroup President @TPicula joining today #CPMR2022 General Assembly in @CreteRegion during the @CPMR_ISLANDS plenary meeting.
Discussing next steps for the 🇪🇺 #EUIslandsPact:
➡️Political action
➡️Direct engagement of islanders
➡️Structure and framing of this initiative
RT @CPMR_ISLANDS: 🗣️@younousomarjee, @EP_Regional Chair & Rapporteur of @europarl_en INI report on "Islands & Cohesion Policy": our joint work on the #EUIslandsPact also represent an opportunity to integrate our demands in the future #CohesionPolicy & the post-2027 multiannual financial framework
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/younousomarjee/status/1585640151358717961
#EUIslandsPact #CohesionPolicy
RT @Antoni_Vicens: 🇪🇺Glad to hear @VascoACordeiro, from Azores, who will be named @EU_CoR president today
I hope with you the defense of #EUIslands will be a priority and promote:
No #EUIsland can be left behind, president, none of them🏝
#EUislands #EUIslandsPact #EUIslandsAgenda #EUIslandsStrategy #EUIsland
RT @Antoni_Vicens: Thanks @josiannecutajar, once again, for your islands vision!
All together, we will achive the #EUIslandsPact🇪🇺🏝
Endavant tots junts!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/josiannecutajar/status/1525059848664141827
RT @Antoni_Vicens: 🗣Merci beaucoup @younousomarjee, pour votre effort sur le long chemin de la reconnaissance holistique du #FaiteInsulaire dans l’UE.
👏🏻Pour la defénse de la cohésion et l'égalité avec le reste des territoires de l'UE, nous devons avancer sur le #EUIslandsPact
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/younousomarjee/status/1517264854024916992
#FaiteInsulaire #EUIslandsPact