Belarus: Increasingly isolated as EU neighbours beef up security
#Belarus #EU #EuropeanUnion #Lithuania #Latvia #Poland #Border #EUmigration #WagnerGroup #Russia'swarinUkraine
#russia #wagnergroup #EUMigration #border #Poland #latvia #lithuania #europeanunion #eu #Belarus
RT @PulseofEurope
Heute jährt sich der #Mauerbau vom 13. August 1961. Gleichzeitig werden neue Mauern in Europa gebaut. Wie kann man #EUMigration anders denken? @MarionDetjen tut das in @DIEZEIT / @10_nach_8!
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Oliver Schwarz: Klare Analyse von @MarionDetjen auf @10_nach_8: "Das europäische Grenzregime ist, wie alle gewaltsamen Grenzregime, dysfunktional, wahnsinnig teuer, ungerecht, tödlich und ohne irgendeine Vision, wie es weitergehen könnte." #Asyl #Migration
#Mauerbau #EUMigration #PulseofEurope #Asyl #migration
.@ecre together with more than 80 organisations call all on Member States and @europarl_en to not go no Lower and immediately reject the use of legal loopholes in EU Asylum law reforms
Read full statement here:
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RedCrossEU: Today the @EUCouncil is discussing the Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation. The proposal risks to penalise people reaching the EU spontaneously at times of crisis. Member States must uphold the right to ask for asylum regardless of any circumstances. #EUmigration
RT Inga Matthes
‼️ Heute entscheidet der EU-Rat in Brüssel über die "#Krisenverordnung". Mit dieser können in einer "Krise" die geltende Rechte der Schutzsuchenden komplett ausgehebelt werden. Wir sagen: auch in "Krisen" müssen Asylanträge gestellt werden können und Standards erfüllt werden!
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RedCrossEU: Today the @EUCouncil is discussing the Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation. The proposal risks to penalise people reaching the EU spontaneously at times of crisis. Member States must uphold the right to ask for asylum regardless of any circumstances. #EUmigration
#Krisenverordnung #EUMigration
❗The @EPPGroup MEPS during #EPlenary on #EUMigration:
Collaboration is key to breaking the business model of smugglers and human traffickers.
Watch our MEPs @lukasmandl, @paulorangel_pt, @Ale_Mussolini_, @skyttedal, @KarloRessler and @stavrouel ⤵
📌We need a common #EUMigration and asylum system able to function properly at all times!
“The mission to end tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea requires us to do much more than respond to disasters,” says MEP @paulorangel_pt.
📌The EU Member States must unite to prevent migrant smuggling and trafficking.
MEP @lukasmandl on the main causes of the #EUMigration:
"Almost every day, there are deaths in the Mediterranean, and we need to see what the causes are."
❗We must strengthen European borders: the EU urgently needs a new #EUMigration Pact.
Watch the #EPlenary video with: @lukasmandl, @paulorangel_pt, @Ale_Mussolini_, @skyttedal, @KarloRessler and @stavrouel.
Watch below 👇
❗Coordination is key: the EU Member States must unite to prevent migrant smuggling and trafficking.
Watch the @EPPGroup MEPs @lukasmandl, @paulorangel_pt, @Ale_Mussolini_, @skyttedal, @KarloRessler and Eleni Stavrou on how to tackle #EUMigration challenge.
RT EPP Group
MEP @tomastobe during #EPlenary speech on #EUMigration pact:
“I want to be clear to the @EUCouncil that we will be constructive with you because we finally see an achievement and an historic opportunity we will not waste. Europe needs a migration policy that works.”
RT EPP Group
We have to keep the momentum going to conclude the #EUMigration Pact.
MEP @tomastobe:
“It is an historic opportunity, finally, for Europe to create and achieve a migration policy that could work.”
Watch his full #EPlenary speech ⤵
Panel III #HR10EU
Budućnost 🇪🇺 integracija, EU globalno, 🇭🇷 uloga u budućoj #EUMigration ⤵️
➡️ Jaya Ramji-Nogales @TempleLaw
➡️ @nwbrux @apcoworldwide
➡️ @IrisGoldnerLang @PFZagreb
Moderira: Zoran Kurelić @FPZGhr
❗ Coordination is key: the EU Member States must unite to prevent migrant smuggling and trafficking.
Read the @EPPGroup proposals on #EUMigration:
🚨Urgent priority: put in place a common migration and asylum system able to function properly at all times and to respond to current and future migration crises!
Learn more about the @EPPGroup proposals on #EUMigration:
Stronger borders mean a stronger EU. Effective border management is critical to ensuring the safety and security of Europe.
Collaboration is key to breaking the business model of smugglers and human traffickers.
Read our proposals on #EUMigration:
📌The EU must quickly respond to migrant instrumentalisation!
The @EPPGroup supports EU funding for border infrastructure wherever this may be necessary when regimes use migrants to destabilise the EU.
External EU borders must be protected!
❗EU ministers have successfully reached an agreement on crucial elements of the European Migration Pact.
🔹The scale and complexity of migration have radically changed.
🔹The migration crisis is a common European challenge that we must tackle together.
🚨 Huge step taken by @EUCouncil towards new #EUMigration policy.
The newly approved Migration Pact will:
🔵help prevent irregular migration & unauthorised movements between EU countries
🔵 combat migrant smuggling & human trafficking
🔵ensure solidarity between EU countries
🛡We must strengthen European borders: the EU urgently needs a new Migration Pact.
We urge the @EUCouncil to reach an agreement on the Asylum and Migration Pact and start negotiating with @europarl_en.
🚨Urgent EU priority: reform EU migration and asylum rules that can function at all times and address current and future migration crises!
The @EPPGroup calls on the @EUCouncil to reach an agreement and start negotiations with @europarl_en on #EUMigration.