RT @EU_EESC: Today is #EUOrganicDay! 🌾
To celebrate and recognize the excellence of organic production the best organic small businesses, restaurants and food retailers, in Europe will be announced today 🏆.
🎥🔴Watch the #EUOrganic awards Live: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/eu-organic-day-eu-organic-awards-ceremony-2022-09-23
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EESC_President/status/1573223872778080256
Ob današnjem #EUOrganicday smo podelili tudi prve vseevropske #EUOrganic nagrade, ki so šle v 🇪🇸🇭🇷🇫🇷 🇦🇹🇮🇹🇩🇪🇧🇪🇸🇪.
Preverite, katera je najboljša 🇪🇺 eko restavracija, eko regija, eko mesto, eko podjetje, eko kmet, ...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1573280863701319682
Today is #EUOrganicDay! 🌾
To celebrate and recognize the excellence of organic production the best organic small businesses, restaurants and food retailers, in Europe will be announced today 🏆.
🎥🔴Watch the #EUOrganic awards Live: http://europa.eu/!KVPHxM
RT @IrishOrganicA: Today we’re happy to celebrate the 2nd #EUOrganicDay - we’re so proud to toast at the sector’s growth 🙌🏽🙌🏽#demandorganic #organic4everyone
#EUOrganicDay #demandorganic #organic4everyone
RT @IrishOrganicA: We're so excited that today is the 2nd #EUorganic day and we are celebrating with you.
Here's to you, the farmers, producers, processors and growers.
Let's all keep up the good work!
#EUOrganicDay #OrganicDelivers
#EUOrganic #EUOrganicDay #OrganicDelivers
RT @MariaGernert: Happy #EUOrganicDay & congratulations to all the #EUOrganic Award nominees & winners providing inspirational examples of organic at its best! Organic is a 🔑 part of the solution to long-term #FoodSecurity, resilience & sustainability. #YearOfOrganics 🎉🏆🥂👩🏽🌾👨🏾🍳🌿🪱🦋🐝🐞🐦🌍💚✨
#EUOrganicDay #EUOrganic #FoodSecurity #YearofOrganics
RT @OrganicsEurope: @EUAgri @BioEcoActual The #EUorganic Awards have been a true pan-European exercise and are a great way to showcase the innovative potential of EU’s #OrganicSector to the big public, and how #OrganicIsPartOfTheSolution - @jwojc at the #EUorganicAwards ceremony
#EUOrganic #OrganicSector #OrganicIsPartOfTheSolution #EUOrganicAwards #EUOrganicDay
Σήμερα, η Επιτροπή αποκάλυψε τους 8 νικητές /-ριες, από τον γεωργό έως τον εστιάτορα, των πρώτων ευρωπαϊκών βραβείων βιολογικής παραγωγής!
Πληροφορίες: https://europa.eu/!Hntwgk
RT @EUCYPRUS: Today, #EUOrganicDay, the Commission unveiled the 8 winners of the first ever EU organic awards.
The winners give us hope for the further development of organic production and the benefits it can bring for our farmers, rural commu…
Today, #EUOrganicDay, the Commission unveiled the 8 winners of the first ever EU organic awards.
The winners give us hope for the further development of organic production and the benefits it can bring for our farmers, rural communities, and societies. https://europa.eu/!WkD77x
RT @bmel: Warum ist #Ökolandbau aktuell besonders wichtig, wie trägt er zu einer nachhaltigeren Landwirtschaft u. Ernährung bei? Und was hat es mit unserem Ziel #30bis2030 auf sich? Das beantworten passend zum heutigen #EUOrganicDay unsere FAQs ⇨ https://t.co/9q2AEPHx9W
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cem_oezdemir/status/1573248559277035521
#Ökolandbau #30bis2030 #EUOrganicDay #TagDesÖkolandbaus
RT @Biokreis: Ihr wollt Fleisch von Tieren, die Sonne, Wind und Regen kennen? Brot, für das keine Pestizide auf den Acker kommen? Eine #Landwirtschaft, die mit der Natur arbeitet?
#Ökolandbau schützt das Klima, hält Gewässer sauber und sorgt für #Artenvielfalt auf dem Acker.
#Bio #EUOrganicDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1573235983461584898
#Landwirtschaft #Ökolandbau #Artenvielfalt #bio #EUOrganicDay
RT @Buendnis_BEL: Heute ist #EUBioTag! Wir feiern die #Biolandwirtschaft & alle Menschen, die sie voranbringen. 🙌 Denn der Ausbau v. Bio ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um #Umwelt, #Biodiversität und #Gesundheit zu schützen & die Lebensgrundlage zukünftiger Generationen zu erhalten. #EUOrganicDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1573189218960031745
#EUBioTag #Biolandwirtschaft #Umwelt #Biodiversität #gesundheit #EUOrganicDay
RT @IrishOrganicA: Join us tomorrow for #EUorganic day and we are thrilled to celebrate it with you! 🤩🍀🌹As European organic movement, we wish you a healthy, ecological, fair & caring.
#EUOrganic #EUOrganicDay #OrganicsEurope #OrganicSeptember
RT @EduardoCuoco: On #EUorganicDay, I'll contribute to a conference dedicated to the EU Day of #OrganicAgriculture & Production, organised by our member @AgrobioAPAB. Programme in below post.
For other #EUorganic initiatives in 🇪🇺, visit #OrganicsEurope's interactive map https://www.organicseurope.bio/get-involved/european-organic-day/
#EUOrganicDay #OrganicAgriculture #EUOrganic #OrganicsEurope
RT @OrganicsEurope: The #OrganicMovement is ready and thrilled to celebrate! Have a look at all initiatives we've collected so far for the #EUorganicDay 🤩👉 https://www.organicseurope.bio/get-involved/european-organic-day/
#OrganicMovement #EUOrganicDay #EUOrganic
RT @ProLuomu: EU:n virallista #luomu'tuotannon päivää juhlitaan 23.9. Päivä on osa luomun toimintasuunnitelmaa ja #GreenDeal tavoitteita. Suomessa juhlivat mm. Pro Luomu, @mmm @EUkomissio @SuomenEduskunta @Luomuliitto #Luomutetaan #ruokapalvelut #EUOrganicDay #OrganicEU https://proluomu.fi/eussa-juhlitaan-luomutuotantoa-23-9/
#luomu #GreenDeal #Luomutetaan #ruokapalvelut #EUOrganicDay #OrganicEU