MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
298 followers · 4890 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Just back from an impromptu visit to our daughter (well, arranged this lunchtime).
An hour each way on the motorway mostly. If all driving were as relaxed as that it'd be tolerable - helped by Alex Kentuky's podcast.

Daughter is doing really well. She's got a shed load of stuff going on which would test the best of us. Not helped by her temporary CPN who seems worse than useless!

people are being extremely helpful!

#interlinelounge #universalcredit #mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
294 followers · 4819 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

The hospital has lifted our daughter's section and asked her to remain as a voluntary patient over the weekend so they can get support in place for when she is able to leave (on Tuesday).
Off course - she's on the bus back home. Of course she is.

This won't end well.

#mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
291 followers · 4708 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

@DavidjCrook Thank you David - we hope she will, but we just never know.

People with often have an painful internal battle between what is rational behaviour, and what is impulsive or emotional behaviour. It depends which tendency is in the ascendent on the day, or even in the moment .


Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
291 followers · 4681 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

The crisis team called the police yesterday evening because they couldn't find our daughter (the one who suffers with ).

Her car is at home but her phone seems to be in a town on the south coast.
She hates public transport and I can't think of a connection down there.

She's not responding to calls /messages from us, freinds or family.

No news overnight. I've not slept well - unusual because I thought I was getting immune to these disappearances.

It's all very worrying

#EUPD #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4268 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Let's see what drama brings!

Surely, as the song says : "The only way is up"?

Our son went to see his sister in the local (acute) hospital yesterday evening.
He's not a shrinking violet and spoke his mind in no uncertain times about the care / lack of that our daughter was getting and the way the staff were treating her.

It seems that she's been transferred overnight to her local psychiatric hospital, which has to be a good thing.

#today #mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4236 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

More daughter news

It seems that the hospital have been keeping her detained unlawfully - no Mental Health Act paperwork in place.

I ended up getting solicitor's advice because of that, and something else the ward staff were threatening (using the Mental Capacity Act)

Daughter is in a bad way, and I'm strongly advising her to stay put until they can find a psychiatric hospital bed for her.
This sort of thing shouldn't be happening in the in 2023.

#nhs #mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4168 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I'm borrowing a couple of grandchildren to clean the car while my son and Mrs Mike visit our daughter in hospital and take her some stuff in.
I just can't face it.

#mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4168 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I've just found out that our daughter is sectioned in our local hospital, and has been since Friday.

Dealing with how she got there (no details here, sorry) is my Sunday sorted for me.

Cue loud screaming into the void.

#mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
279 followers · 3938 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

That's OK, glad to be of help.

In some parts of the world Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder , is known as Borderline Personality Disorder .
Britain and, as I understand it, Europe no longer tend to use the term BPD widely.

There is no pharmacological treatment. Therapy and therapeutic techniques can help people live with the condition.

I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

#EUPD #bpd

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
279 followers · 3938 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Thanks for the good wishes for - it turned out pretty much OK.

Delivered daughter's car as requested, and I seem to have found all the correct make-up in her flat.

There wasn't any drama - which was what Mrs Mike was fearing. Our daughter is in a bad way. Hospital isn't helping her (it's a poor solution for ) but she's not capable of independence at the moment.

There's another professional meeting tomorrow which I hope comes up with something / anything to help her.


#today #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
274 followers · 3913 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Busy-ish day planned for

We've got to take daughter’s car to the hospital where she's currently sectioned.

Then we've been instructed to go to her flat to collect mostly make up because she thinks she's being discharged on Tuesday (I don't!)

Then back to the hospital to see daughter. Mrs Mike is fearful that this'll be difficult & confrontational - I'm more hopeful

Then to visit to the - we've not been for 2 weeks - the courgettes will be airship size!

#today #allotment #mentalhealth #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
273 followers · 3873 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Thanks for your hard work with the .

My daughter has (& possible psychosis) and has had multiple contacts with police officers and .
They've always been considerate & kind.

When I've needed to ring I've found her local police call centre staff understanding & helpful.

This sort of is vital for patients, carers & relatives.

Thank you.

#police #EUPD #streettriage #training

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
268 followers · 3723 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

It's been a zero sum day

Daughter remains in the care of a hospital due to her worsening issues. This hospital is in another part of the country and aren't great at communicating.

I'm quite unwell. Stress & tension coupled with from yesterday have led to visual and some symptoms.
Every time I dozed off I was interrupted by staff or family.

We're hoping she'll be transferred back to her local hospital tomorrow.

#today #mentalhealth #exhaustion #migraine #ibs #EUPD #bpd #nhs

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
268 followers · 3723 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Change of plan

No details here, but daughter has done something odd (she's safe) so I've got to drive into deepest Norfolk today to collect her car. Possibly her as well depending on developments.

Mrs Mike will be driving our car back.

It's the last thing I need right now, but children are for life, not just the parties.

#today #mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
261 followers · 3567 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I originally started for but then daughter's got much worse and the GP advised increasing the dose to deal with my new symptoms of .

I now want to come off the stuff as it makes me feel unwell and the depression is pretty much under control, but I think it's worked for anxiety.

Having a sensible (that's face to face) discussion with a GP is almost impossible at our surgery - they love their telephone consultations.


#sertraline #anxiety #EUPD #depression #mentalhealth #bpd

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
255 followers · 3455 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Woohoo! Daughter is making a random visit this afternoon.

Tiny steps, but it is getting better.

#EUPD #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
242 followers · 3125 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I've not mentioned our daughter much recently.

It's not good.

She stopped responding to calls and messages early in the week. We had no idea where or how she was.

Yesterday morning I got her CPN to confirm that she was safe.

Late yesterday evening I got a call to take her home from her local acute hospital.

She has little recollection of how she got there, or why.

I cleaned up her flat, and left in the early hours, hoping she's OK.

#bpd #EUPD #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
236 followers · 3068 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Daughter has been minimally communicative over the last few days.

As instructed we were putting "the most benign possible" interpretation on that.
She's just sent a text to say that she's staying in a Crisis House for a few days.

So much for the advice of experts.

(At least she's safe)

#mentalhealth #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
230 followers · 2911 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

The agenda for is to spend a bit of a lazy morning (nice in theory) before setting off down the to visit daughter.

She has offered to cook Sunday lunch for us! The quid pro quo is that I take my drill and put up a mirror for her.

After lunch we're going to see the delights of her local town park.

Our daughter (with / ) is doing really well at the moment - let's hope it continues. She's trying really hard, and I know it's not easy for her.

#today #motorway #bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
228 followers · 2871 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Thanks - she's OK this morning. I was very concerned yesterday evening as this sort of thing for people with / is extremely unsettling - something her GP doesn't seem to realise.

She's talking about cooking for us on Sunday and trying to get tickets to see a talk.

Thanks again for your concern!

#bpd #EUPD

Last updated 1 year ago