Choć rynek zabawek w #UniaEuropejska już teraz należy do najbezpieczniejszych na świecie to dzięki zaproponowanym dziś zmianom jeszcze bardziej zwiększymy ochronę dzici przed szkodliwymi chamikaliami
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#EUProtects #ToySafety🇪🇺
#UniaEuropejska #EUProtects #toysafety
Dzięki nowym przepisom jeszcze bardziej poprawimy jakość zabawek obecnych na unijnym rynku, przede wszystkim w kontekście ochrony przed szkodliwymi chemikaliami
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#EUProtects #ToySafety🇪🇺
On the 10th anniversary of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre, we are proud of the crucial role which the #EU Space Programme, through @CopernicusEMS, plays in supporting #ERCC when disasters strike🔥🚒🌪️🌧️
#EUSpace 🇪🇺🛰️🤝👩🚒🇪🇺 #EUProtects
#10yearsERCC #EUCivilProtection
#EU #ERCC #EUSpace #EUProtects #10yearsERCC #EUcivilprotection
RT @defis_eu: On the 10th anniversary of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre, we are proud of the crucial role which the #EU Space Programme, through @CopernicusEMS, plays in supporting #ERCC when disasters strike🔥🚒🌪️🌧️
#EUSpace 🇪🇺🛰️🤝👩🚒🇪🇺 #EUProtects
#10yearsERCC #EUCivilProtection
#EU #ERCC #EUSpace #EUProtects #10yearsERCC #EUcivilprotection
RT @defis_eu: On the 10th anniversary of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre, we are proud of the crucial role which the #EU Space Programme, through @CopernicusEMS, plays in supporting #ERCC when disasters strike🔥🚒🌪️🌧️
#EUSpace 🇪🇺🛰️🤝👩🚒🇪🇺 #EUProtects
#10yearsERCC #EUCivilProtection
#EU #ERCC #EUSpace #EUProtects #10yearsERCC #EUcivilprotection
Today is #PurpleDay
💜1 in 100 people have epilepsy making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally.
With 50 specialist hospitals in 24 European countries our EU network @EpiCARE_ERN shares knowledge and helps finding the best therapy for patients.
RT @EU_Commission: Today is #PurpleDay
💜1 in 100 people have epilepsy making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally.
With 50 specialist hospitals in 24 European countries our EU network @EpiCARE_ERN shares knowledge and helps finding the best therapy for patients.
Τα βαθύτατα συλλυπητήρια μας στην οικογένεια του Ανδρέα Δημητρόπουλου, πρωτοστάτη για την προστασία των χελωνών και του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος στην Κύπρο.
RT @EUCYPRUS: 🐢🇨🇾Για τον Ανδρέα Δημητρόπουλο ήταν έρωτας με την πρώτη ματιά! Ασχολείται με τις θαλάσσιες χελώνες από τη δεκαετία του '70 κι έτσι αποφάσισε να δημιουργήσει ένα πρόγραμμα προστασίας των θαλάσσιων χελωνών στην Κύπρο.
Ε.Ε. - προστατεύουμε μαζί.
#turtles #EUProtects
RT @CopernicusEU: #DRRDay
#Copernicus 🇪🇺🛰 ...
✔️ is on the front line when a disaster strikes 🌀
✔️delivers every day 16 TB of #OpenData which helps to plan for geohazards and disaster preparedness🔥
✔️contributes to saving lives! 🤝
#EUProtects #EarlyWarningForAll
#DRRDay #Copernicus #opendata #EUProtects #EarlyWarningForAll
#Copernicus 🇪🇺🛰 ...
✔️ is on the front line when a disaster strikes 🌀
✔️delivers every day 16 TB of #OpenData which helps to plan for geohazards and disaster preparedness🔥
✔️contributes to saving lives! 🤝
#EUProtects #EarlyWarningForAll
#DRRDay #Copernicus #opendata #EUProtects #EarlyWarningForAll
Our EU #ProtectiveSecurity Advisors (PSA) were on the ground this week with a #security debrief for @UntoldFestival in Romania 🇷🇴🎵#UntoldMagic
The PSA team was on site for 4 days of excellent cooperation with authorities & organisers.
#ProtectiveSecurity #security #UntoldMagic #EUProtects
Want to know more about #phthalates, why they may be of concern and how some of them are regulated in the EU?
You'll find answers to all these questions on our topical page on phthalates.
#phthalates #EU_REACH #EU_CLP #SaferChemicals #EUProtects
RT @EU_ECHA: We have launched a consultation on the scientific report for occupational exposure limits on cobalt and inorganic cobalt compounds.
Help us protect workers by sending in your comments by 10 June 2022.
#SaferChemicals #EUProtects #EUHaveYourSay
RT @EU_ECHA: We have launched a consultation on the scientific report for occupational exposure limits on cobalt and inorganic cobalt compounds.
Help us protect workers by sending in your comments by 10 June 2022.
#SaferChemicals #EUProtects #EUHaveYourSay
We have launched a consultation on the scientific report for occupational exposure limits on cobalt and inorganic cobalt compounds.
Help us protect workers by sending in your comments by 10 June 2022.
#SaferChemicals #EUProtects #EUHaveYourSay
RT @defis_eu: Today is #406Day, a day to spread awareness of the importance of emergency beacons
We take this opportunity to pay tribute to Search & Rescue Beacons and to the @SARGalileo Return Link Service, a unique feature of #Galileo 🇪🇺🛰️
#EUSpace 🇪🇺🛰️ 🤝🧑🚒 #EUProtects
#406Day #Galileo #EUSpace #EUProtects
Today is #406Day, a day to spread awareness of the importance of emergency beacons
We take this opportunity to pay tribute to Search & Rescue Beacons and to the @SARGalileo Return Link Service, a unique feature of #Galileo 🇪🇺🛰️
#EUSpace 🇪🇺🛰️ 🤝🧑🚒 #EUProtects
#406Day #Galileo #EUSpace #EUProtects
Rapid & coordinated European judicial response to #FightTerrorism essential, with launching Judicial #Counter-Terrorism Register, speeding up and strengthening proceedings against suspects. 👉 📽️
#EUProtects #SecurityUnion
#FightTerrorism #counter #EUProtects #SecurityUnion