Vilnius🇱🇹 is the single largest city still relying substantially on the heat from #FossilFuels, but the situation will change after #EURegionalfunds supported Co-generation Power Plant (with biomass and waste-to-energy units) will be completed in 2023
#EnergySaving buildings are essentials for reducing energy consumption and bills, thus public buildings were renovated with #EURegionalFunds and resulted in over 11 000 000 kWh/year reduced energy consumption
#CohesionPolicy #RepowerEU
#energysaving #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy #REPowerEU
In 2014–2020, €980 million (17.12%) of the 2014-2020 🇪🇺#EURegionalFunds and #CohesionFund were programmed to contribute to the #REPowerEU objectives.
The investments made by Lithuania helped over 42 000 households to benefit from residential building refurbishment
#EURegionalFunds #CohesionFund #REPowerEU
RT @EUinmyRegion: A 235-metre-long handshake 🤝
Discover the Peace Bridge over the River Foyle in Derry (Northern Ireland) - a EU-funded footbridge described by Commissioner Hahn as: "a beacon of hope for conflict zones around the world"
#CohesionPolicy #EURegionalFunds
#CohesionPolicy #EURegionalFunds
A 235-metre-long handshake 🤝
Discover the Peace Bridge over the River Foyle in Derry (Northern Ireland) - a EU-funded footbridge described by Commissioner Hahn as: "a beacon of hope for conflict zones around the world"
#CohesionPolicy #EURegionalFunds
#CohesionPolicy #EURegionalFunds
Съвместното решение на КЕВР и RAE е взето след успешно изпълнена процедура по съгласуване с Европейската комисия 🇪🇺. Целият процес премина при съкратени срокове предвид стратегическото значение на интерконектора.
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
"Този проект има капацитет от 3 млрд. м3, но в бъдеще може да бъде разширен и да се превърне в още по-важен доставчик на енергийна сигурност за Европа.”
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
Проектът #IGB е изключително важен от гледна точка на повишаване на сигурността на доставките, осигуряване на диверсификация и постигане на независимост от руските изкопаеми горива.
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
#IGB #EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
Заемните средства от 1⃣1⃣0⃣ млн. евро, обезпечени с подкрепата на българското правителство, бяха одобрени от ЕК в съответствие с правилата на ЕС за държавната помощ.
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
#EUFunds #EURegionalFunds #CohesionPolicy
The EU has co-funded with €33 million from #EURegionalFunds the construction of a 182km-long interconnector between 🇬🇷🇧🇬, under the Operational Programme innovation Innovation and Competitiveness (OPIC) 2014 – 2020.
Learn more👉
Research and Innovation: New Synergies between #HorizonEU and #EURegionalFunds!
Newly-published guidance in support of 🇪🇺Managing Authorities and HorizonEU contact points to fully grasp the new opportunities to foster innovation in all #EURegions.
#HorizonEU #EURegionalFunds #EURegions
#EURegionalFunds were invested in reinforcing the network of gas pipelines all across the country (up to €280 million):
🔹new 1051 km were already inaugurated - to which will be added 571 km by 2023.
In numbers, the #EURegionalFunds supported this #LNG terminal with €223 million in the 2007-2013 period, while the LNG terminal’s capacity will be further increased by 2023.
All of this, with the objective to reduce the 🇵🇱dependency on Russian gas.
First stop: after two years of heavy lifting, this is now the most sustainable swimming pool in Brussels! 🏊
With the help of #EURegionalFunds the @vubrussel renovated this facility to reduce energy and water consumption. The CO2 impact was drastically reduced! #euinmyregion
#EURegionalFunds #EUinmyRegion