Today, 6th September, marks 11 years of #EUSPA HQ in Prague 🇨🇿! Hundreds of #EUSpace professionals have passed through our doors, all working towards achieving 🇪🇺 goals like the Green Deal and digital transformation while reinforcing the Union's autonomy and resilience.
Learn more about us:
With more responsibilities, more #EUSpace services available, and a growing market ahead, we keep linking space to user needs!🛰️
This is #EUSPA⬇️
Artificial Brain’s Quantum Algorithm Named One of myEUspace Competition Winners #Quantum_Computing_Business #Artificial_Brain #DWave #EUSPA #Jitesh_Lalwani #myEUspace #quantumdaily Insider Brief Artificial Brain was one of the winners of the myEUspace competition, organized by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA). The company submitted a quantum algorithm designed to optimize real-time scheduling for multiple Earth Observation Satell
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Artificial_Brain #DWave #EUSPA #Jitesh_Lalwani #myEUspace #quantumdaily
#EUSPA & Naviair signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen the monitoring capabilities of the Galileo Search and Rescue (#SAR) Service.
The new site in Greenland will ensure the redundancy of the SAR/Galileo system and the safety & security of the EU.
SatCom plays an essential role in ensuring continuity in a wide range of governmental missions and supporting the operations of key infrastructure, where access to uninterrupted satellite communications is crucial.
The access to these comms starts with downstream applications, and to support the development of such applications, #EUSPA hosted the first ever #SatCom Downstream Industry Days.
More info:
RT @EU4Space: The regulation of the new Secure Connectivity programme #IRIS2 was voted today by the @europarl_en
But what is #EUSPA’s role in it?
#EUSpace @defis_eu @EU_Commission
🛰 Evropská vesmírná agentura EUSPA bude mít nové sídlo na pražské Palmovce.
RT @EU4Space: #EUSPA a vláda ČR se dohodly na přemístění naší centrály do roku 2025!
Nová Palmovka v Praze 8 bude novým sídlem agentury, která se tak může přizpůsobit nárůstu povinností a počtu zaměstnanců, jež přicházejí s rostoucími investicemi do #EUSpace. Více zde:
#EUSPA and the Czech government have agreed to relocate our HQ by 2025!
The Nová Palmovka building in #Prague 8 will host the Agency to accommodate the increase of our duties & number of staff that come with the growing investment in #EUSpace.
Read more:
RT @EU4Space: The first #EUSPA Administrative Board meeting of 2023 wrapped up on 27 January.
The 🇪🇺 Member States representatives gathered in our HQ and online to discuss the evolution of the Agency and the #EUSpace Programme and plans for 2023.
Yikes. What an abominable mess of useless or actively harmful concepts (with, yes, 1-2 real things among them). #EUSPA really needs to avoid the hype machine bandwagon if it's going to get anything done.
RT @EU4Space: Galileo OSNMA Receiver Guidelines has been updated .
📌#EUSPA, together with the @EU_Commission has published the new version of the Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication Receiver Guidelines for the Test Phase.
Read more 👉
⏱️ 11.25-11.45
📌 Targeted and strategic actions supporting the EU space sector
⏱️ 11.45-12.35
📌 #EUSPA call
⏱️ 12.35-13.10
📌 Cross cutting topics
🗣️ Q&A
☕️ BREAK 💤
Drawing on the expertise of our trusted partners #EUSPA and #ESA, #IRIS2 will create a favourable environment for the development of innovative applications💡, involving players from the #NewSpace ecosystem🛰️
Read more at 🔗!q8chMc
This week the #SMEAssembly2022 is taking place in Prague, and it included a visit to our EUSPA Headquarters yesterday.
The members had a tour of the premises, and were introduced to #EUSpace and its opportunities & tools for innovators & startups, such as the #cassiniEU initiative, Fundamental Elements, or the new #HorizonEU call.
At #EUSPA we foster entrepreneurship by helping with data and market intelligence to develop their solutions, find investors & connect with potential clients.
#SMEAssembly2022 #euspace #cassiniEU #HorizonEU #EUSPA
Pour une Union Européenne plus indépendante dans l'espace ! 🛰🇪🇺
Retrouvez ma déclaration dans la @LaTribune de ce jour, sur nos nouveaux satellites européens IRIS².
#EUspace #EUSPA #ESA #CM22
Hello #NASA. Please add a Mastodon account to your Your colleagues are already here: @EUSPA #EUSPA
RT @EU4Space: We've welcomed today at our EUSPA Headquarters members of the Polish press.
Our colleagues Justyna Redelkiewicz and Piotr Sitek have introduced them to #EUSPA's mission and role, and how #EUSpace supports EU priorities such as the #EUGreenDeal.
Dziękujemy za wizytę!
Polscy dziennikarze zawitali do #EUSPA - Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej. Rozmawiają o zmianach klimatu, geolokalizacji, mapach satelitarnych oraz bezpieczeństwie cywilnym i wojskowym.
RT @EUinPL: Polscy dziennikarze zawitali do #EUSPA - Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej. Rozmawiają o zmianach klimatu, geolokalizacji, mapach satelitarnych oraz bezpieczeństwie cywilnym i wojskowym.