Happy #InternationalYouthDay!
Let’s celebrate by highlighting the talent & creativity of #EUYouth. 💁♀️💁♂️
With their enthusiasm & fresh outlook, young people can shape the future and enrich global policy-making.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GabrielMariya/status/1690281408546095105
#InternationalYouthDay #EUYouth
Više od 400 mladih iz 🇭🇷 osvojili su besplatnu kartu za putovanje Europom🚊#DiscoverEU!
Ukupno 47 700 mladih Europljana u dobi od 18 godina dobit će kartu za 🧳 u razdoblju od ožujka 2023. do veljače 2024. #EUYouth
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1614291250923847680
Europska godina vještina 2023.
Prilika za brušenje radnih vještina ali i međugeneracijsku solidarnost #EUYouth i “starijih” generacija kojima trebaju #Digitalskills.
Toma Šutić, kabinet PP Šuice.
#EYS2023 #euskillsagenda
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1584821446735695872
#EuropeDirect #EUYouth #DigitalSkills #EYS2023 #EUSkillsAgenda
No to nije sve!🔅
Kako je 2022. Europska godina mladih #EYoY2022, 🇭🇷 ne zaostaje za #EUYouth u ostalim 🇪🇺 članicama pa se sakupljačima pridružila i volonterska sila dviju lokalnih škola:
💪OŠ Majstora Radovana i
💪Gimnazija Ivana Lucića.
#ACTNow #ČistaHrvatska #EUBeachCleanUP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1578436707573067777
#EYoY2022 #EUYouth #ActNow #ČistaHrvatska #EUBeachCleanup
Voditelj #EKHrvatska @OgnianZlatev pridružio se danas @Europarl_HR međunarodnoj konferenciji posvećenoj ulozi #EUYouth i politici proširenja EU-a: "Destination: Together in EU" sudjelovanjem na panelu #HumanLibrary uz @AMPEU_hr & @mmh_cyn
#WesternBalkans #TogetherinEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1578403017556099072
#EYoY2022 #EKHrvatska #EUYouth #HumanLibrary #WesternBalkans #togetherinEU
RT @EK_Hrvatska: #EYoY2022
Voditelj #EKHrvatska @OgnianZlatev pridružio se danas @Europarl_HR međunarodnoj konferenciji posvećenoj ulozi #EUYouth i politici proširenja EU-a: "Destination: Together in EU" sudjelovanjem na panelu #HumanLibrary uz @AMPEU_hr & @mmh_cyn
#WesternBalkans #TogetherinEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_HR/status/1578413502192025601
#EYoY2022 #EKHrvatska #EUYouth #HumanLibrary #WesternBalkans #togetherinEU
RT @eu_eeas: Meet Nadia Gullestrup Christensen @nadia_g_c & Lucija Karnelutti @LKarnelutti, recently appointed as first 🇪🇺 #EUyouth delegates to @UN meetings.
The @EUYouthDelegate programme is part of the #YouthActionPlan.
#YouthLeadsTheWay #OurVoiceOurFuture
#EUYouth #YouthActionPlan #YouthLeadsTheWay #OurVoiceOurFuture
Meet Nadia Gullestrup Christensen @nadia_g_c & Lucija Karnelutti @LKarnelutti, recently appointed as first 🇪🇺 #EUyouth delegates to @UN meetings.
The @EUYouthDelegate programme is part of the #YouthActionPlan.
#YouthLeadsTheWay #OurVoiceOurFuture
#EUYouth #YouthActionPlan #YouthLeadsTheWay #OurVoiceOurFuture
Great exchange with young #entrepreneurs 🇪🇺
European youth is dedicated to developing innovative solutions for the green & digital transformation of our continent.
Our upcoming #SME Relief Package is part of our effort to support them.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ThierryBreton/status/1572253110306750467
#entrepreneurs #SME #EUYouth #EYY2022
RT @JosepBorrellF: I warmly welcome the establishment of a @UN Youth Office.
Increasing youth empowerment, leadership and participation is crucial for building resilient and peaceful societies.
Youth holds the key to a better future.
RT @JosepBorrellF: I warmly welcome the establishment of a @UN Youth Office.
Increasing youth empowerment, leadership and participation is crucial for building resilient and peaceful societies.
Youth holds the key to a better future.
RT @JosepBorrellF: I warmly welcome the establishment of a @UN Youth Office.
Increasing youth empowerment, leadership and participation is crucial for building resilient and peaceful societies.
Youth holds the key to a better future.
I warmly welcome the establishment of a @UN Youth Office.
Increasing youth empowerment, leadership and participation is crucial for building resilient and peaceful societies.
Youth holds the key to a better future.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JosepBorrellF/status/1568674242329452548
"Acojo con gran satisfacción la creación de una Oficina de la Juventud @UN
Aumentar la capacitación, el liderazgo y la participación de los jóvenes es crucial para construir sociedades resistentes y pacíficas
La juventud tiene la clave para un futuro mejor"
#EYY2022 #EUYouth
RT @JosepBorrellF: I warmly welcome the establishment of a @UN Youth Office.
Increasing youth empowerment, leadership and participation is crucial for b…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1568731265829937153
RT @JosepBorrellF: I warmly welcome the establishment of a @UN Youth Office.
Increasing youth empowerment, leadership and participation is crucial for building resilient and peaceful societies.
Youth holds the key to a better future.
D’Festivalsaison leeft zu Lëtzebuerg nach op Héichtouren. Bis muer si mir um Pond Festival - vläicht hutt dir eis schonn do gesinn?
Kommt laanscht mat äere Froen zur EU!
#PONDfestival #EUYouth #EYY2022 #Luxembourg #festivalseason #musicfestivals #Europe
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1566799321403645958
#PONDfestival #EUYouth #EYY2022 #Luxembourg #festivalseason #musicfestivals #Europe
RT @GabrielMariya: Happy #InternationalYouthDay!
In light of the European Year of Youth, now more than ever is important that we celebrate the commitment of young people to preserving our European values of peace, freedom, and equality. 🇪🇺
#EYY2022 #EUYouth
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUErasmusPlus/status/1558117089545789440
#InternationalYouthDay #EYY2022 #EUYouth
RT @GabrielMariya: Happy #InternationalYouthDay!
In light of the European Year of Youth, now more than ever is important that we celebrate the commitment of young people to preserving our European values of peace, freedom, and equality. 🇪🇺
#EYY2022 #EUYouth
#InternationalYouthDay #EYY2022 #EUYouth
Happy #InternationalYouthDay!
In light of the European Year of Youth, now more than ever is important that we celebrate the commitment of young people to preserving our European values of peace, freedom, and equality. 🇪🇺
#EYY2022 #EUYouth
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GabrielMariya/status/1558009307144364032
#InternationalYouthDay #EYY2022 #EUYouth
Voditelj @EK_Hrvatska @OgnianZlatev u razgovoru s izviđačicama i izviđačima iz bugarskih gradova Varna i Šumen: 🇪🇺 o europskim vrijednostima, 💪🏼volontiranju i 🤝solidarnosti. #EUYouthDialogue #EUyouth #volunteering @ScoutBG @EuropeanYouthEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1553722472402681856
#EUYouthDialogue #EUYouth #volunteering