Europe: the biggest multiplier of opportunities for #YOUTH ! 🇪🇺 #YouthDayCelebration
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Erasmus+: Today is International Youth Day.
Have you already participated in one of our initiatives? If not, what are you waiting for?
There are lots of opportunities:
Visit the European Youth Portal to find out more!
#youth #YouthDayCelebration #ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU #EUSolidarityCorps #EUYouthStrategy
Today is International Youth Day.
Have you already participated in one of our initiatives? If not, what are you waiting for?
There are lots of opportunities:
Visit the European Youth Portal to find out more!
#ErasmusPlus #DiscoverEU #EUSolidarityCorps #EUYouthStrategy
RT Themis Christophidou
The EU Youth Dashboard tells us that almost 1/3 of all youth projects address the climate priorities of the European Commission. 🌿 #EUGreenDeal
The Dashboard - as part of the #EUYouthStrategy - gives valuable, detailed info on youth in the 🇪🇺.
What can youths do to make #cities a better place for all?
A participant of an EU-funded, youth-led campaign focusing on waste problems in South-East Asia, Vu Hong Thanh of Zero Waste Community in Danang shares her experiences.
#EUYouthStrategy #EUintheWorld #Sustainability
#cities #EUYouthStrategy #EUInTheWorld #sustainability
By empowering youth and fostering interregional collaboration, we can build greener cities in ASEAN together. 🌿☘️
#EUYouthStrategy #EUintheWorld #Sustainability
#EUYouthStrategy #EUInTheWorld #sustainability
Let’s hear it from #youth 🔊
ASEAN youths leading an EU-funded regional campaign on reducing urban waste present their ideas and recommendations to mayors and policymakers at the #ASEANMayorsForum in #Jakarta 🇮🇩
#EUYouthStrategy #EUintheWorld #Sustainability
#youth #ASEANMayorsForum #jakarta #EUYouthStrategy #EUInTheWorld #sustainability
#InTodaysOJ you can read the conclusions of the Council on the social dimension of a sustainable Europe for youth
#SocialEU #EUYouthStrategy #EUGreeneal
#InTodaysOJ #SocialEU #EUYouthStrategy #EUGreeneal
RT @EUClimateAction: We are designing the next #EUYouthStrategy and we want to hear from 𝙔𝙊𝙐!
Tomorrow is the last day to take part in our survey to help shape the future of 🇪🇺 youth policy 𝙔𝙊𝙐 want.
#EUHaveYourSay today 👉
#EUYouthStrategy #EUHaveYourSay #EYY2022
We are designing the next #EUYouthStrategy and we want to hear from 𝙔𝙊𝙐!
Tomorrow is the last day to take part in our survey to help shape the future of 🇪🇺 youth policy 𝙔𝙊𝙐 want.
#EUHaveYourSay today 👉!yfXXNq
#EUYouthStrategy #EUHaveYourSay #EYY2022
RT @EU_ENV: This #EuropeanYearofYouth is all about listening to YOU
Do you feel involved in 🇪🇺 youth policy, encouraged to be active for a greener 🌍 & to participate in public life?
#EUHaveYourSay in our survey by 21/10 and help us shape the next #EUYouthStrategy:
#EuropeanYearOfYouth #EUHaveYourSay #EUYouthStrategy
RT @EU_ENV: This #EuropeanYearofYouth is all about listening to YOU
Do you feel involved in 🇪🇺 youth policy, encouraged to be active for a greener 🌍 & to participate in public life?
#EUHaveYourSay in our survey by 21/10 and help us shape the next #EUYouthStrategy:
#EuropeanYearOfYouth #EUHaveYourSay #EUYouthStrategy
RT @EU_ENV: This #EuropeanYearofYouth is all about listening to YOU
Do you feel involved in 🇪🇺 youth policy, encouraged to be active for a greener 🌍 & to participate in public life?
#EUHaveYourSay in our survey by 21/10 and help us shape the next #EUYouthStrategy:
#EuropeanYearOfYouth #EUHaveYourSay #EUYouthStrategy
This #EuropeanYearofYouth is all about listening to YOU
Do you feel involved in 🇪🇺 youth policy, encouraged to be active for a greener 🌍 & to participate in public life?
#EUHaveYourSay in our survey by 21/10 and help us shape the next #EUYouthStrategy:!yfXXNq
#EuropeanYearOfYouth #EUHaveYourSay #EUYouthStrategy
RT @PSnaEuropa: 200 jovens portugueses em Bruxelas no @EuropeanYouthEU para darem o seu contributo na #EUYouthStrategy a convite dos #socialistasportugueses no #EuropeanParliament
#EUYouthStrategy #socialistasportugueses #EuropeanParliament #9foryouth
RT @PSnaEuropa: 200 jovens portugueses em Bruxelas no @EuropeanYouthEU para darem o seu contributo na #EUYouthStrategy a convite dos #socialistasportugueses no #EuropeanParliament
#EUYouthStrategy #socialistasportugueses #EuropeanParliament #9foryouth
🇪🇺Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Νεολαίας
✌️Ένα παιδί μπορεί να διδάξει σε έναν ενήλικο τρία πράγματα:
1⃣να είναι ευτυχισμένος χωρίς ιδιαίτερο λόγο
2⃣να είναι πάντα απασχολημένος με κάτι και
3⃣να ξέρει να απαιτεί με όλη του τη δύναμη αυτό που θέλει
🇪🇺Τι κάνει η ΕΕ #EU για τους νέους;
✌️ #EYY2022 Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Νεολαίας
🇪🇺Τι κάνει η ΕΕ #EU για τους νέους;
✌️ #EYY2022 Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Νεολαίας
Κάνε τη φωνή σου να ακουστεί! ℹ️!VGGhjX
🇪🇺Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Νεολαίας
✌️Ένα έτος αφιερωμένο στη στήριξη των νέων της Ευρώπης, στη συνεργασία τους και στην παροχή ευκαιριών για να κάνουν τη φωνή τους να ακουστεί
🇪🇺Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Νεολαίας
✌️Ένα παιδί μπορεί να διδάξει σε έναν ενήλικο τρία πράγματα:
1⃣να είναι ευτυχισμένος χωρίς ιδιαίτερο λόγο
2⃣να είναι πάντα απασχολημένος με κάτι και
3⃣να ξέρει να απαιτεί με όλη του τη δύναμη αυτό που θέλει