#欧州委員会 は22日、欧州各地で壊された #生態系 を回復させるための「自然再生法」案と、2030年までに #化学農薬 の使用を50%削減させる提案をそれぞれ採択した。これらを通じ、#EU 域内や世界各地の食料供給の強靭性と安定の確保に貢献する
👉 https://euin.jp/20220623a
RT @EU_Commission: Today we propose new pesticides rules to:
🌱 reduce by 50% the use & risk of chemical pesticides by 2030
🐝 help safeguard biodiversity, the environment, human health & the economy
🌾 secure resilient food systems for the future
Learn more ⤵️
#欧州委員会 #生態系 #化学農薬 #EU #EUGreenDeal #EUf
Congratulations to the 4 Irish🇮🇪 researchers from @ucddublin & @MaynoothUni on winning in the latest round of 2021 ERC Advanced Grants!
RT @ERC_Research: 📣 The results of the 2021 ERC Advanced Grants competition are out.
More than €624 million in funds were allocated to leading researchers in the European Union and #HorizonEurope associated countries.
All info 👉 https://erc.europa.eu/news/erc-2021-advanced-grants-results