Scholz: Internal EU border controls ‘indispensable’ due to migration #Austria #EUmigration #farrightparties #Germany #OlafScholz
#austria #EUmigration #farrightparties #germany #olafscholz
D(e)F: EU asylum and migration: When is the crisis over and when is it business as usual?
By Alezini Loxa
Part 10 of the thematic series on #EUreform with
#EUasylum #EUmigration #MigrationPact #CEAS
#eureform #euasylum #EUmigration #migrationpact #ceas
D(e)F: Asyl- und Migrationspolitik der EU: Wann ist die Krise vorbei und wann wird sie zur Normalität?
Von Alezini Loxa
Teil 10 des Themenschwerpunkts #EUreform mit RegierungsforschungDE
#EUasyl #EUmigration #Asylkompromiss #GEAS
#eureform #euasyl #EUmigration #asylkompromiss #geas
Why does Poland want to ban the migration pact? #Asylumseekers #BeyondtheByline #Council #EUmigration #EuropeanUnion
#AsylumSeekers #beyondthebyline #Council #EUmigration #EuropeanUnion
€100 million for Tunisian border management, EU Commission states #EUmigration #KaisSaied #Tunisia
#EUmigration #kaissaied #tunisia
Candid Johansson makes the case for refugee protection #EUmigration #YlvaJohansson
European Commission plans migration control, financial aid to Tunisia #EUmigration #Tunisia
Lithuania legalises migrant pushbacks #EUmigration #illegalpushback #Lithuania #pushbacks
#EUmigration #illegalpushback #lithuania #Pushbacks
The EU must adopt a radically different approach towards labour migration [Promoted content] #EUmigration #EUWesternBalkans #labourmigration
#EUmigration #EUWesternBalkans #labourmigration
RT @PulseofEurope
Das Thema #EUMigration ist dringend, schwierig und sehr umstritten. Im @focusonline zeigt Manfred Weber seine Perspektiven dazu auf:
#PulseofEurope #EUvision #EUmigration
RT @PulseofEurope
✨#EuropeanHomeParliaments von #PulseofEurope gehen am 4.4. (19 Uhr) via Zoom-#KickOff in die 8. Runde! Anmelden:
📩👉 & über 🇪🇺 #Bürgerbeteiligung diskutieren. 🗒️👉 #EUDemocracy #EUTransnationaleListen #EUBürgerentscheid #EUMigration
#EUmigration #euburgerentscheid #eutransnationalelisten #EUDemocracy #burgerbeteiligung #kickoff #PulseofEurope #europeanhomeparliaments
RT @EPPGroup
The newly approved #EUMigration Pact will:
🔵help prevent irregular migration & unauthorised movements between EU countries
🔵combat migrant smuggling & human trafficking
🔵ensure solidarity between EU countries
Read @tomastobe and @jeroen_lenaers’s view:
RT @EPPGroup
🚨 Huge step towards new #EUMigration policy!
Today, the European Parliament will approve its position on a new European migration policy.
It will help prevent irregular migration and unauthorised movements between EU countries.
Read @tomastobe and @jeroen_lenaers’s view ⬇️
RT @EPPGroup
❗Urgent EU priority: establish a migration and asylum system that can function at all times and address current and future migration crises!
Hear more from the @EPPGroup MEPs: @jeroen_lenaers, @LenaDuepontMdEP and @tomastobe.
Hi, new to Mastodon. Here's my #introduction
I work as Advisor to the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (@CommissionerHR).
Will post mainly about #Refugees #Migration #Migrants #EUmigration in #Europe
Also covering #HumanRights more generally, especially on #UK #Netherlands #CzechRepublic and #Slovakia
Occasional posts in Dutch (#asiel #vluchtelingen #migratie #mensenrechten)
Finished my PhD in law in 2022, dissertation on voluntary return here:
#mensenrechten #migratie #vluchtelingen #asiel #slovakia #CzechRepublic #Netherlands #UK #HumanRights #Europe #EUmigration #Migrants #migration #Refugees #Introduction
We share a commitment, a journey we need to make together to open the way for our brothers and sisters who call on us. @CaritasEuropa , let us fight together, to make light illuminate the darkness of this Europe #safepassageCaritas Europa: As the last tragic days and hours claimed many lives in the #MediterraneanSea, Caritas Europa reiterates its call for the establishment of an #EU coordinated search and rescue mission and to support NGOs saving lives!#whatishome #EUmigration #Refugees
#safepassageCaritas #mediterraneansea #eu #WhatisHome #EUmigration #refugees