At traditional US dealerships, meanwhile, inventories of unsold EVs have been rising. But increasing competition shouldn’t be mistaken for diminishing demand. More than half of US consumers think EVs are the future, according to a recent survey by Cox Automotive, and their expectations are rising around what that future should include.
Nine level 2 EV chargers were put in at Hadley / Philemon Wright School over the Summer.
School starts tomorrow and the landscaping is not quite done, but almost.
Not sure why the designer chose to plant some conifers. They are not expected to do well as the climate gets hotter regionally. It does surprise me that the changing climate is not considered in design, particularly landscape design.
#EV #energytransition #climatecrisis #gatineau #quebec
Ich hätte mal eine Frage zum Thema #EV #Eauto: Welche Ladekarten(-apps) hat man denn da so (vor allem, wenn man direkt an der Grenze zu NL wohnt)?
Ich kann "nur" mit 22kw laden, was absolut reicht, denn für gewöhnlich lade ich ja daheim mit #PV-Überschuss. Sollte ich tatsächlich mal weitere Strecke fahren müssen, habe ich (wegen der zahlreichen Empfehlungen) den Basistarif von ENBW, aber 69 Cent sind heftig. Die Frau nutzt schon mal die Lidl-App (0,29€).
Was gibt es denn noch günstiges (in NL)?
@FalkoMD Laut meinem #Elektriker kann eine automatische Phasenumschaltung funktionieren, wenn ich die #Wallbox von SMA nehme.
Ladekarte kann die Lösung aber wohl nicht. #EV
@FalkoMD Dann wäre noch nen extra #Zähler einzubauen.
Oder es wird eine dumme #Wallbox und ich nutze dann die Pauschale, die die Firma dann zahlt.
Auf lange Sicht macht eine intelligente Lösung wahrscheinlich mehr Sinn. Ich meine, wenn mal ein eigenes #EV kommt. Alles Dinge, die noch beachtet werden wollen. 😉
#elektromobilitat #Ioniq5
#Zahler #Wallbox #EV #elektromobilitat #Ioniq5
@antonanders den RWD LR habe ich auch. Größtenteils wegen der #Anhängelast, um auch mal nen #Wohnwagen ziehen zu können. Bin gespannt, wie er sich damit macht.
Aber auch der größere #Frunk war ein Kriterium. 👍 #ioniq5 #EV #elektromobilitat
#anhangelast #wohnwagen #frunk #Ioniq5 #EV #elektromobilitat
Just a reminder for those who like to jump all over #EV battery recalls and fires to argue that EVs are either unsafe or not ready for deployment:
Recalls of gasoline-powered vehicles - including those for fire issues - happen regularly as well. They usually just don't get as much press.
Every second #electriccar is run in #China. German article: https://www.heise.de/news/Einer-Studie-zufolge-faehrt-jedes-zweite-Auto-mit-Elektroantrieb-in-China-9232452.html?wt_mc=rss.red.ho.ho.atom.beitrag.beitrag
Therefore, it's a good chance that your next #EV will be made in China as well.
#BYD being on its way to replace #Tesla as the number one manufacturer of EVs.
#electriccar #china #EV #byd #tesla
@GossiTheDog Per this article, https://pluralistic.net/2023/07/28/edison-not-tesla/
I would expect no less of Tesla than to attempt to charge the customers to
a) not disable the car when the camera lense is blocked and
b) take down those videos
#autoenshittification #tesla #EV #surveillance
Surprise! Media is misreporting the source of a Dutch cargo ship fire.
#ev #EVs #electriccars #electricvehicles
#EV #EVs #electriccars #electricvehicles
Morgen geht‘s mit dem Id.3 zum ersten Mal ans Meer. Wir sind ja sonst Kurzstreckenfahrer und Heimlader, deswegen fühlt sich das schon ein wenig seltsam an, sich auf Lademöglichkeiten auswärts verlassen zu müssen.
voluntary recall for all US Ioniq 5 and Ioniq 6 #EV
40,000 slave children in a Congo Cobalt mine
#childslavery #childabuse #humantraffic #ev #congo #cobalt #capitalism
#ChildSlavery #childabuse #HumanTraffic #EV #congo #cobalt #capitalism
Battles brewing as #Ontario, #Canada push Ring of Fire mining to boost #EV plan
#ontario #canada #EV #ringoffire #landback
My first ever sighting of the 3d printed YoYo, in #brescia, Italy! Apparently it can get up to 70kph and has a range of 150km. It also has swappable batteries (which take me back to my days of owning an LG G3).
#EV #carspotting #cars #carsofmastodon #brescia
by #SarahGeorge in #Edie:
"The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) has this week published a new manifesto for growing the EV industry rapidly in the coming years, delivering a tenfold increase in EV production to more than 750,000 vehicles per year by 2030.
"This level of increase is consistent with the UK’s legally binding climate commitments and its ban on new diesel and petrol car and van sales from 2030. It would, the SMMT states, deliver some £106bn of economic benefit to scale EV manufacturing this rapidly.
"This manifesto is, in part, intended to serve as a call to action for policymakers. The UK Government has been accused of squandering the EV opportunity by delaying the launch of subsidy packages to rival the US and EU; failing to guarantee affordable energy for manufacturers and not easing post-Brexit supply chain tensions."
#EV #UK #SMMT #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #climate #GlobalWarming #environment
#sarahgeorge #edie #EV #uk #smmt #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #ClimateChange #climate #globalwarming #environment