#rpgaday2023 Day 29 - most memorable encounter (this year)
We, @ArneBab and myself as double gm, had a two party session of #EWS set in and outside of a video game with sentient NPCs and players. The best encounter was with the real selfs of the player players after they got kicked out of the game and realized, that everything up to that point in the story had been a game for their characters too.
Die Tage habe ich wieder am #EWS 3.0¹ gearbeitet: Korrekturen eines Freundes eingepflegt. Ein vorher-nachher.
#pnpde #fantasy #magie #lektorat #schreiben
¹: neuste veröffentlichte Vorversion, noch ohne diese Korrekturen: https://www.1w6.org/deutsch/regeln/downloads/ews-30-rb2-weltentanz
#EWS #pnpde #fantasy #Magie #Lektorat #schreiben
Supreme Court dismisses pleas seeking review of its verdict upholding 10% quota for EWS
Justice Dinesh Maheshwari had said exclusion of the classes covered by Articles 15(4), 15(5) and 16(4) (SEBCs/OBCs/SCS/STS) from getting the benefit of reservation as EWS did not violate the Equality Code and did not not in any manner cause damage to the basic structure of the Constitution of India.
#EWS #SupremeCourt #reservations #SocialJustice #inequality #casteism #caste #dalits #privilege #constitution #india
#EWS #supremecourt #reservations #socialjustice #inequality #casteism #caste #dalits #privilege #constitution #india
RT @IlanKelman
"Designing Inclusive, Accessible #EarlyWarningSystems"
By R. Yore, @CarinaFearnley, @MF_GDG, & me.
#pwd #pwds #didrr #inclusivity #intersectionality #EWS #WarningSystems #DRR #EarlyWarning #EMGTwitter #DRRTwitter #ClimateTwitter
#earlywarningsystems #pwd #pwds #didrr #inclusivity #intersectionality #EWS #warningsystems #drr #earlywarning #emgtwitter #drrtwitter #climatetwitter
4/ We have great opportunities for continued development and progress in this sector - knowledge, collaborations & funding (#EW4A).
We must keep learning, critically reflecting & working together to achieve #EWS for all & reduce the impact of disasters to the most vulnerable.
3/ We have come a long way in recent years for #EWS, #EWEA #FBEA #FBF and #anticipatoryaction.
We have evidence of what works well, what does not work well.
But we still have gaps in our knowledge and in our application and implementation.
#EWS #ewea #fbea #fbf #anticipatoryaction
2/ Climate change is making things worse. We cannot continue to respond to disasters after they occur. We must be proactive in reducing risks before a crisis, to stop it from becoming a crisis.
#EWS provide one part of the solution.
1/ Well, it's the end of my week taking over this Twitter account. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to share learning on #EWS and hear from others.
I will leave you with a last Twitter thread...
5/ #anticipatoryaction overlaps with #EWS:
#EWS focuses on response activities before the disaster.
#anticipatoryaction also includes activities after the disaster, but the activities are linked to the forecast and early warning thresholds, so response is sooner.
1/ This morning we are going to be talking about #anticipatoryaction #AA #forecastbasedearlyaction #FBEA #forecastbasedfinancing #FBF - the hot topic on everyone's agenda - and how it relates/overlaps with #EWS
#anticipatoryaction #aa #forecastbasedearlyaction #fbea #forecastbasedfinancing #fbf #EWS
Q4 - When will we not need to consider gender in #EWS?
Can you design effective EWS without addressing power dynamics and/or social inequalities?
When are we encroaching on people’s rights to make their own decisions?
What are there ethical dimensions and considerations around behavioural change vs autonomy in #EWS?
How do we understand where institutional responsibility ends & personal responsibility takes over?
When have we done enough for #EWS so the right info gets to the right ppl in the right way to take EA? Who decides what is "right"?
How do we build sustainable governance systems/policies/procedures/funding for #EWS that involves all relevant stakeholders and have clear roles and responsibilities to ensure they function effectively for the needs of the people at risk?
If it is not one body that is responsible for end-to-end #EWS, then are we inevitably going to be building gaps into a system that result in avoidable impacts to people at risk?
Q2 - Who's responsibility is #EWS?
Often NHMSs are mandated with sending out early warning messages.
Government DRRM departments may have a mandate for disaster preparedness and/or response.
Is any one body responsible for the whole system or value chain? Can/should they be?
Q1 - Are #EWS a human right?
"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person."
EWS provides information that allows people to take action to improve their own security and protect their life.
Without EWS, their lives are at greater risk.