Using Quantum to ‘Build a Better Working World’: An Interview With Kristin M. Gilkes, EY Global Innovation Quantum Leader #Exclusives #Interviews #EY #EY_Global_Innovation_Quantum_Leader #Kristin_M_Gilkes #quantum_ethics #quantumdaily The Quantum Insider catches up with Dr. Kristin M. Gilkes, EY Global Innovation Quantum Leader. Gilkes discusses her journey into quantum technologies, the future of the quantum industry and how EY is helping to ethically s
#Exclusives #Interviews #EY #EY_Global_Innovation_Quantum_Leader #Kristin_M_Gilkes #quantum_ethics #quantumdaily
SandboxAQ Unveils End-To-End Security Suite, Delivering Advanced Cryptographic Management to the Global 1000 and Governments #Quantum_Computing_Business #Cloudera #Cryptosense_Analyzer_Platform #Dave_Burg #EY #Informatica #Jack_Hidary #SandboxAQ #SandboxAQ_Security_Suite #Security_Suite's_Cryptosense #the_US_Air_Force #the_US_Department_of_Health_&_Human_Services #Vodafone #quantumdaily Insider Brief SandboxAQ released SandboxAQ Security Suite, an end-to
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Cloudera #Cryptosense_Analyzer_Platform #Dave_Burg #EY #Informatica #Jack_Hidary #SandboxAQ #SandboxAQ_Security_Suite #Security_Suite #the_US_Air_Force #the_US_Department_of_Health_ #Vodafone #quantumdaily
EY and IBM Expand Strategic Alliance into Quantum Computing #Quantum_Computing_Business #Andy_Baldwin #EY #EY_Global_Service #IBM #IBM_Quantum Network #Jeff_Wong #quantumdaily Insider Brief EY Global Services Limited announced it will join the IBM Quantum Network to enable EY teams to explore solutions with IBM. As part of the collaboration, EY will gain access to IBM’s quantum computers over the cloud and become. Critical Quote: “Quantum, in terms of im
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Andy_Baldwin #EY #EY_Global_Service #IBM #IBM_Quantum #Jeff_Wong #quantumdaily
Das zwiebelt jetzt bestimmt
RT @Thomas_Wuest
„#EY darf sich 2 Jahre nicht an Ausschreibungen für Abschlussprüfungen bestimmter Unternehmen beteiligen.Darunter fallen alle börsennotierten Unternehmen sowie der überwiegende Teil des Finanzsektors aus Banken & Versicherungen.“via @handelsblatt #Wirecard…
„EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2023“ sucht die Unternehmer-persönlichkeiten des Jahres
#GoodNews #Entrepreneur #EY #Innovation #Nachhaltigkeit #Unternehmer #Unternehmerin #DoWhatYouLove
#goodnews #entrepreneur #EY #innovation #nachhaltigkeit #Unternehmer #unternehmerin #dowhatyoulove
Asteroide do tamanho de uma casa vai passar perto da Terra
Confira! 👇
#planetaterra #nasa #EY #asteroide #manchete #forbestech
Asteroide do tamanho de uma casa é encontrado na Terra
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#planetaterra #nasa #EY #asteroide #forbestech
Asteróide do tamanho de uma casa é encontrado na Terra
Confira! 👇
#planetaterra #nasa #EY #asteroide #forbestech
Quantum Community Reacts to UK’s £2.5 Billion Plan For Quantum #National #Quantum_Computing_Business #Budget #EY #Harvey_Lewis #James_PallesDimmock #quantum_budget #Riverlane #Steve_Brierley #UK #ukquantum #United_Kingdom #quantumdaily The UK budget will include an approximate £2.5 billion investment in quantum technologies, dubbed “The Plan for Quantum,” which reflecting both the vast potential of the technology and the nation’s desire to be a global le
#National #Quantum_Computing_Business #Budget #EY #Harvey_Lewis #James_PallesDimmock #quantum_budget #Riverlane #Steve_Brierley #UK #Ukquantum #United_Kingdom #quantumdaily
🇨🇳 #China prohibe a sus empresas utilizar a alguna de las llamadas 'Big Four' (#Deloitte, #PwC, #EY y #KPMG) para realizar sus auditorías por "preocupación en el manejo de información", algo que se ve como una represalia por la prohibición de usar tecnología 5G de China en #Europa y EE.UU.
La única solución para estas compañías pasa por aliarse con socios chinos que controlen, al menos, el 51% de la nueva empresa lo que, de facto, supondrá estar bajo control del ejecutivo chino.
#china #deloitte #PwC #EY #KPMG #Europa
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At EY, you'll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, su...
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#EY Deutschland setzt Rotstift an
Industry-Academia Research Collaboration Forms to Explore Responsible Quantum Computing #Research #(Responsible_Quantum_Computing_Communications #Dominic_O’Brien #EY #EY_UK #HumanCentred_Computing #Marina_Jirotka #Mira_Pijselman #Oxford #QCS_Hub #Responsible_Technology_Institute #RTI #UK #quantumdaily Insider Brief The University of Oxford’s Responsible Technology Institute (RTI) is forming a new research collaboration with the Quantum Computing and Simu
#Research #Dominic_O #EY #EY_UK #HumanCentred_Computing #Marina_Jirotka #Mira_Pijselman #Oxford #QCS_Hub #Responsible_Technology_Institute #RTI #UK #quantumdaily
Vernissage oder Award-Gala? Der neue Schweizer Auftritt des EY Entrepreneur Of The Year ist ganz von der Kunst inspiriert:
Vielen Dank für die inspirierende Zusammenarbeit:
#eyswitzerland #looplight #iofx #harryheusser
#EY #EOY #ArtofEntrepreneurship #visualdesign #3Ddesign #virtualreality #innovation
#eyswitzerland #looplight #iofx #harryheusser #EY #EOY #ArtofEntrepreneurship #visualdesign #3Ddesign #virtualreality #innovation
Kollege Walze präsentiert: Mienensuchhund
#beratertrash #berlin #berlintegel #bessermachen #big4 #bingospielen #bestpractises #businessjargon #consultinglife #businesssprech #buzzwords #consultant #consulting #consultinghumor #beraterinnen #beraterjargon #beraterleben #beraterlingo #beratersprech #beratertalk #ernstyoung #ey #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting
#beraterbingo #consultingslang #consultingtalk #deloitte
#beraterbingo #consultingslang
#beratertrash #berlin #berlintegel #bessermachen #big4 #bingospielen #bestpractises #businessjargon #consultinglife #businesssprech #buzzwords #Consultant #consulting #consultinghumor #beraterinnen #beraterjargon #beraterleben #beraterlingo #beratersprech #beratertalk #ernstyoung #EY #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #beraterbingo #consultingslang #consultingtalk #Deloitte
Kollege Walze präsentiert beraterslang: "Am Ende des Tages"
#bloggerdeutschland #business #businessblahblah #businessconsultant #businessjargon #businesssprech #buzzwords #consultant #consulting #consultinghumor #consultingjobs #consultinglife #consultingphrases #consultingservices #consultingslang #consultingtalk #deloitte #deutscheinfluencer #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship #ernstyoung #ey #fairentlohnt #harddisk #homeoffice #influencerdeutschland
#bloggerdeutschland #business #businessblahblah #businessconsultant #businessjargon #businesssprech #buzzwords #Consultant #consulting #consultinghumor #consultingjobs #consultinglife #consultingphrases #consultingservices #consultingslang #consultingtalk #Deloitte #deutscheinfluencer #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship #ernstyoung #EY #fairentlohnt #harddisk #Homeoffice #influencerdeutschland
Kollege Walze präsentiert beraterslang: InsBootHolen
#deloitte #deutscheinfluencer #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship #ernstyoung #ey #fairentlohnt #harddisk #homeoffice #influencerdeutschland #influencerkooperationen #influencermarketing #instagramforbusiness #keingeld #kollegewalze #kooperation #kpmg #leverage #lgsbf #london #love #lovemyjob #marketing #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #beratersprech #beraterbingo #beraterinnen #powerfrauen #karriere #bildung #neuhier
#Deloitte #deutscheinfluencer #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship #ernstyoung #EY #fairentlohnt #harddisk #Homeoffice #influencerdeutschland #influencerkooperationen #influencermarketing #instagramforbusiness #keingeld #kollegewalze #Kooperation #kpmg #leverage #lgsbf #london #love #lovemyjob #marketing #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #beratersprech #beraterbingo #beraterinnen #powerfrauen #Karriere #bildung #neuhier
Kollege Walze präsentiert beraterslang: Stimmung einfangen
#deloitte #deutscheinfluencer #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship #ernstyoung #ey #fairentlohnt #harddisk #homeoffice #influencerdeutschland #influencerkooperationen #influencermarketing #instagramforbusiness #keingeld #kollegewalze #kooperation #kpmg #leverage #lgsbf #london #love #lovemyjob #marketing #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #beratersprech #beraterbingo #beraterinnen #powerfrauen #karriere #bildung
#Deloitte #deutscheinfluencer #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship #ernstyoung #EY #fairentlohnt #harddisk #Homeoffice #influencerdeutschland #influencerkooperationen #influencermarketing #instagramforbusiness #keingeld #kollegewalze #Kooperation #kpmg #leverage #lgsbf #london #love #lovemyjob #marketing #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #beratersprech #beraterbingo #beraterinnen #powerfrauen #Karriere #bildung