#NASA and #jameswebbspacetelescope finds the most distant star #Earendel
It's name means wandering dawn/ personification of the dawn star in the proto Germanic; fitting for both the way we've found it and it being the most distant star from us.
This is so exciting as we've entered into a new era of #spaceexploration
In one hand we being the process of colonization and development, in the other our scientific tools pave the way for our understanding of the universe and ourself.
#spaceexploration #Earendel #jameswebbspacetelescope #NASA
Space Telescope Views Most Distant Star Ever Detected
#Earendel, der am weitestens von uns entfernte Einzelstern entdeckt. Sein Licht benötigte 12,9 Milliarden Jahre, um die Erde zu erreichen.
NASA - Hubble Spots Farthest Star Ever Seen:
#Hubble #HubbleSpaceTelescope #HST #Redshift #Reionization #RELICS #GravitationalLensing #SunriseArc #Earendel #Star #Cosmology #Astronomy
#astronomy #cosmology #star #Earendel #SunriseArc #GravitationalLensing #RELICS #Reionization #Redshift #HST #HubbleSpaceTelescope #hubble
El telescopio Hubble encontró #Earendel, la estrella más lejana vista hasta ahora a "12.900 millones de años luz. Es decir, para llegar hasta ella habría que pasar 12.900 millones de años viajando a la velocidad de la luz".
Curiosamente, el nombre es un homenaje a un poema de JRR Tolkien, el autor del Señor de los Anillos 😍
Nota completa: https://elpais.com/ciencia/2022-03-30/el-telescopio-hubble-descubre-earendel-la-estrella-mas-lejana-jamas-observada.html