#AmWriting #historicalfiction about the #americanrevolution and did quite a bit of #research (ahem!) which resulted in this extensive #bibliography of #sources that may be of interested to anyone interested in #earlyamerica https://othernetwork.com/a-bibliography-of-sources-on-the-american-revolution/?preview_id=2241&preview_nonce=c4dc986da5&preview=true&_thumbnail_id=2356
(the Illustration from the Pentateuch of Printing, c. 1891 https://archive.org/details/pentateuchprint00blad/page/n33/mode/2up)
#amwriting #historicalfiction #americanrevolution #research #bibliography #sources #EarlyAmerica
For today's #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday, a window in the seed house of John Bartram, the pioneering American botanist (1699-1777) whom Linnaeus called "the greatest natural botanist in the world." The building (in what is now part of Philadelphia) was constructed out of a local stone called Wissahickon schist. Below the window are some of the artistic botanic ornaments that Bartram carved into the stone.
#JohnBartram #Philadelphia #Botanical #Architecture #Ornaments #EarlyAmerica
#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #johnbartram #philadelphia #botanical #architecture #ornaments #EarlyAmerica
Call: Disability in the Vast Early Americas, https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/11919311/disability-vast-early-americas
#disabilityHistory #cfp #histodons #EarlyAmerica
@lizcovart and her team have created another well-produced series. The first episode covers the significance of Native American music traditions, beginning before European colonization. This is the podcast that inspired my collaborative book club. I hope it will inspire you too. https://benfranklinsworld.com/episode-343-music-and-song-in-native-north-america/. #EarlyAmerica #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth #Podcast #History #EarlyAmericanHistory
#EarlyAmerica #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth #podcast #history #earlyamericanhistory
Sorry, I'm terrible at this tooting thing...forgot me hashtags! #manuscript #manuscriptstudies #bookhistory #bookhistodon #paleography #mediahistory #EarlyAmerica #litstudies
#manuscript #manuscriptstudies #bookhistory #bookhistodon #paleography #mediahistory #EarlyAmerica #litstudies
#manuscript #bookhistory #EarlyAmerica #mediahistory #yeahipostedthisontwitteramonthago drops summer 2023
#manuscript #bookhistory #EarlyAmerica #mediahistory #yeahipostedthisontwitteramonthago
This is the help you find me post. I'm into #mediahistory #bookhistory #manuscriptstudies #handwriting #EarlyAmerica #nativeamericanliterature #nais #africanamericanliterature #AmericanLiterature #mediastudies #sandwiches and other stuff
#mediahistory #bookhistory #manuscriptstudies #handwriting #EarlyAmerica #nativeamericanliterature #nais #africanamericanliterature #AmericanLiterature #mediastudies #sandwiches
New #introduction now that I've moved over to hcommons:
I research, write, & teach about #EarlyAmerica #GenderHistory #FamilyHistory and #CulturalHistory.
I also work with #museums and historic sites, most recently on interpreting slavery.
Looking forward to building community here!
#museums #culturalhistory #familyhistory #genderhistory #EarlyAmerica #introduction