I'm back in #EarlyBirdMode again, but more early-bird than you'd expect. My muse seems to have made my sleep patterns weird lately...
Finally, I made some fine edits to "No Love Lost". The longest section of #Spanner In The Works chapter 37 is now finished and Sia's twisted relationships with Severina and Boris are fully established.
This is convenient because it coincides with my #EarlyBirdMode today giving out so I'm almost too tired to think. My first #AmEditing session of #2023 is now complete and I'm ready for my muse to give me more uneasy dreams.
#spanner #EarlyBirdMode #amediting
Well here I am unable to sleep, a kind of #EarlyBirdMode in itself. So sure enough I'm right back here tooting...
I'm not actually in #EarlyBirdMode. In fact I stayed up all night planning my next round(s) of #Spanner #AmEditing. Now that I've finished that, once my morning business is done, I'm going to bed.
#EarlyBirdMode #spanner #amediting
With all the obsessive attention I gave my WSL upgrade, I neglected the federated timeline or to check Debirdify, Fedifinder, or Mastodon-bridge to see if anyone else I've been following on Twitter has come here yet. I'll do that tomorrow.
This time I have to shift back into #EarlyBirdMode and call it a night, because I have outside errands I have to do in the morning. Good night, everybody...
The sun keeps waking me up. Oh well, at least I still have coffee.
Now that I find myself stuck in #EarlyBirdMode for the foreseeable future...
*checks Mastodon version*
*checks trends*
#riptwitter (but of course)
#followfriday (#caturday will soon replace this)
#EarlyBirdMode #riptwitter #followfriday #caturday
Okay (if this post even gets through), the morning sun woke me up, so it's back to #EarlyBirdMode
Fortunately, Pixelfed's neither down nor slow. You can always follow me at @dennis_jernberg@pixelfed.social, and I'll boost my posts from there right here.
All right, it's 7am my time, I'm already up, and the greatest activity in my timeline is in the morning. #EarlyBirdMode it is. Time for COFFEE.
(forgot to post this first)
Good morning, fellow kids. For once I'm not in #EarlyBirdMode, mainly due to my late-night LP-playing spree.
Looks like I'm still in #EarlyBirdMode. What got me up early this time? Several ideas for representative hashtags to put in my profile.
Good morning, everybody. As you can see, I'm still in #EarlyBirdMode. Which I haven't been this often since the early birdsite days...
Not quite the #EarlyBirdMode I was in the past two days. But it's great waking up to a full timeline. I haven't had mornings on the birdsite in who knows how long.
Speaking of the birdsite, I've taken to calling it "the bad place", because that's what it is now. People are even referring it to FediBlock, that's how bad. Glad I left.
It's #NaNoWriMo (which I'm skipping again this year because, yes, #Spanner #AmEditing), I've shifted back into #EarlyBirdMode, I just settled an inner debate on whether to fix coffee or just be lazy and down an energy drink (I chose the latter), and now my mind's turning to Death Wish Coffee. I think I'm going to go track some down today.
#nanowrimo #spanner #amediting #EarlyBirdMode
So here I am, apparently locked in #EarlyBirdMode. Something which (IIRC) I never thought to hashtag in Twitter. I hadn't yet joined the #HashtagMafia then...