From #Wikipedia: "In ancient #Roman religion, #Ops or Opis (Latin: “#Plenty”) was a #FertilityDeity and #EarthGoddess of Sabine origin. Her equivalent in Greek mythology was #Rhea."
I'm not saying that offering food or beer to your Ops team will lead to bountiful CPU cycles and memory, but it can't hurt to try.
#wikipedia #roman #ops #plenty #fertilitydeity #EarthGoddess #rhea
Cornish god-botherers have called for a statue of the "earth goddess" to be taken down because it is "offensive to god".
They missed the far simpler and more easily justifiable argument that it should be taken down because it's shit.
#badart #EarthGoddess #cornwall
#EarthGoddess statue in Cornish town sparks unholy row with #Church leaders | #Cornwall | The Guardian
“This made up god is an affront to our made up god.” Apparently, the clergy in #StAustell haven’t realized that it’s the 21st century.
#EarthGoddess #church #cornwall #staustell #england #uk