I’m excited about this monster for my #earthdawn game. #ttrpg #fasaGames #fasa1879 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BAEy0fnsHHnbJ7yj-gW-kQqNRL_8-umIe73wI8nt7mk/edit?usp=sharing
#Earthdawn #ttrpg #fasagames #fasa1879
What’s on my mind? This gmc I wrote up for #earthdawn:
#ttrpg #fasa1879 #dnd
#Earthdawn #ttrpg #fasa1879 #DnD
@BrianBloodaxe Plenty of folks around here love #EarthDawn.
I am in the process of concluding a three-year campaign that was very heavily influenced by EarthDawn.
You might also consider following folks like @LoreMerchant who contribute to keeping the gane in print!
Anyone here played Earthdawn? Either recently or back in the day.
I've been flicking through 4e and it's brought back many happy memories of reading through the 1e books. I love the setting, there is just so much going on there. River traders, Dwarves building a mighty civilization, Elves questioning their identity, Orcs carving out their own home, Therans encroaching, kaers being rediscovered, the horrors... Great stuff.
I wish I could sum up our #earthdawn game in a post like I did with the last one. All I can say is, Ratatouille could have been a horror flick #ttrpg #gameNight #dnd
#Earthdawn #ttrpg #gamenight #DnD
Today we’re going to try to kill an avatar of a horror. The start of the combat is alarmingly bad!
#Earthdawn #ttrpg #rollspel
This is #Earthdawn's 30th anniversary, the historic RPG launched at GenCon 1993, and the current edition is 10 years old. There's a #Kickstarter to fund the game's Deeper Secrets
I no longer log in there. I just can't stand so many things associated with that. Hope to get some rpg talk here instead.
I do try to post a little about #Earthdawn now and then at least...
För min del är det framförallt #Earthdawn som gäller, som jag har spelat sedan det kom på 90-talet och fortfarande spelar. Sedan gillar jag också #Gumshoe-spelen från #Pelgrane och har alla, och har spellett de flesta åtminstone någon gång.
Ny kickstarter till det bästa fantasyrollspelet! Magic: Deeper Secrets till #Earthdawn
@Dionysus I'm assuming you mean D&D settings. I rather enjoy Eberron, although you either have to go back to the 3rd ed books or go with Keith Baker's DM's Guild stuff to have it be worth the effort.
I also have a soft spot for Warlords of the Accordlands, which is another 3rd ed. I've done two blog posts about it, an into and a history post. I've ran it in 5e and might have notes somewhere if you are interested.
Otherwise, #RuneQuest and #Earthdawn, and Tamriel :D
This post is for all my bitches whose player characters had a legit philosophical debate on game night this week #ttrpg #nerds #dnd #earthdawn #gameNight
#ttrpg #nerds #DnD #Earthdawn #gamenight
I hope everyone is enjoying their hot nerd boy summer as much as I.
#nerd #ttrpg #earthdawn #dnd #beer #hotNerdBoySummer #amIReallyTheFirstToUseHotNerdBoySummerQuestionMark
#nerd #ttrpg #Earthdawn #DnD #beer #hotnerdboysummer #amireallythefirsttousehotnerdboysummerquestionmark
My #DnD 5e campaign of the last three years is heavily #Earthdawn influenced, with imports from #ShadowsOfEsteren and a #Ravenloft module by #GoodmanGames, all heavily modified.
One of my players was going to miss game night because of her own birthday party, so we co-opted the other attendees (who had never played before) for a one shot and brought game night her. Everyone took over an NPC for this one shot.
NPC descriptions, along with their communities: https://docs.google.com/document/d/187Bmij5gGXKa00H3RtDXvFUFPWrWyAVOpKBqsgwVbCc/edit
#DnD #Earthdawn #ShadowsOfEsteren #ravenloft #goodmangames
Playing #Earthdawn #rpg today. My archer is a bit out of familiar water for him this time, dealing with thieves and assassin guilds.
Det ska spelas #rollspel, #Earthdawn, här hemma imorgon, så egentligen borde jag väl städa lite i lägenheten. Men det är inte så roligt att städa.
#Earthdawn #ttrpg
Game night! They’ve save the kids (mostly) and they’re out of the _mysterious_ caves, but their airship is drifting away! Are the GMCs ditching them? Did someone forget to set the parking brake? Something more ominous?
Spoiler: it’s something ominous as all hell.
#Earthdawn #ttrpg #gamenight #DnD #justkiddingitsnotdnd #fasa
Have you ever run the first game of a campaign and it was just so goddamn good? Like, is this going to be an ongoing problem?
#ttrpg #DnD #Earthdawn #gamemasterproblems
Today we played some #Earthdawn . I was a player and I really like my Orc Archer.
Looking for 1-2 more players for an #earthdawn game. Think high fantasy, post-apocalyptic with horror themes. Friday evenings EST, biweekly. #ttrpg #dnd #notActuallyDND. Boost if you like!
#Earthdawn #ttrpg #DnD #notactuallydnd