Yesterday, on a mixed-terrain bicycle ride in the East SF Bay Area hills, I saw a juvenile wild pig, (first live siting, for me) two big groups of turkeys, two coyotes, and got stung by a wasp on the top of my head, inside my helmet, while riding down Soaring Hawk, a steep, rough trail. (#AnthonyChabot and #Redwood regional #parks)
I visited the massive land slide on Redwood Road, was handed a beer by a guy walking out of the woods, and determined that I'm not ready for the #AdventureRevival Spicy route that I'm riding next Saturday. And I had my first King ti bottle cage failure.
#anthonychabot #Redwood #parks #adventurerevival #nature #BikeTooter #oakland #EBRPD #gravel #EastBay
Hello, are Indian fabric/clothing shops like this kind of like a combination Men's Wearhouse / Bridal Tailor place?
I'm curious how much they usually split between willingness to tailor/make clothes from patterns vs only resize existing off the rack items.
I'm wondering if they make casual sun dresses, house dresses etc as well :)
Thanks in advance, to the #bayarea #indian #india #eastbay #fremont #Milpitas #siliconvalley #fashion #clothing communities!
#bayarea #indian #india #EastBay #fremont #Milpitas #siliconvalley #fashion #clothing
Bicycle commuter Chris Pena was killed by a #HitAndRun driver on Mission Blvd in Hayward.
Deepest sympathy to Chris's loved ones, including his widow; their son, a student at #HaywardHighSchool; and their daughters, students at #UCBerkeley and #UCDavis. Help support the family with funeral and educational expenses by donating and/or sharing fundraiser:
Note that CalBike's #CompleteStreets survey seeks—for #Alameda County—input on Route 238, which includes Mission Blvd, Hayward, where Chris was killed. Respond to 4-question survey now, or by Oct 6:
An additional way to honor Chris's life: support work of area bike advocates @BikeWalkAlameda (#Hayward is in #Alameda County) and @BikeEastBay ; and statewide advocacy, California Bicycle Coalition / #CalBike:
Thanks to #EastBay bike advocate @footsteps for bringing this horrific tragedy to our attention:
#haywardhighschool #alameda #HitAndRun #ghostbike #hayward #ucberkeley #ucdavis #EastBay #ripchrispena #california #bikecommuter #completestreets #calbike #BikeTooter
I hate directly posting from reddit but there are five dogs at risk of being euthanized TOMORROW.
Please consider fostering to save a life.
I have three small dogs but will contact Oakland Animal Services about fostering. Don't tell my wife.
#oakland #berkley #alameda #eastbay #sanjose
#oakland #berkley #alameda #EastBay #sanjose
February-April: Spring
May-June: Summer
July-September: Revenge of Summer
October-15 November: Summer
16-30 November: Autumn
December-January: Winter
I almost never sign up for any group activities, but I did sign up for this ride tomorrow from Bay Fair BART to the #SanLeandro part of the Bay Trail, organized by @BikeEastBay. 12 flat miles, with a focus on bike/walk access to the waterfront. If any #Oakland #EastBay #SFBA cyclists want to join, we'll meet at 12:30 and ride at 1. I'll be on a white bike with bullhorn handlebars and wearing a black helmet, if you want to say hi or punch me in the face or whatever else. #BikeTooter
#sanleandro #oakland #EastBay #sfba #BikeTooter
Tonight's walk:
An off-leash Pom ran up on Benson to sniff his butt while we waited for a light to change and freaked him out? Got him excited? Hard to say. I still can't read whether he's playful or freaked out when another dog approaches him.
Most of the time, he's indifferent.
Unless you're a cat, crow, pigeon, or squirrel. And now owl. Oh, or a peacock. (Saw him, too, btw. Just sitting in someone's yard like a beautiful bird vase.)
We passed an apartment building, and as we walked past their open garage space, we encountered two women (they had a Bestie vibe) at a little cafe table, two chairs, a little striped blue rug, some music, and some chilled sparkling adult beverages. It was a whole thing. A Parisian bistro in a parking space.
This is amazing, I said as I walked by. They laughed. I loved that for them.
#bensonupdate #Rockridge #EastBay #fridaynight
Group play at the Martinez Animal Shelter
I spotted these 5 rascals hard at play and stopped to grab a #snapshot. It looks like a #GermanShepherd at the far left and a #SiberianHusky at the far right. (I'm pretty sure all 5 are looking for forever homes.)
#Snapshot #germanshepherd #siberianhusky #EastBay #martinez #adopt
#OTD August 22, 1995
East Bay ska-punk band Rancid released their third LP, “And Out Come The Wolves”
The early to mid 90s was a crazy time in the music biz. It happens every decade I guess. Major labels trying to capitalize on the ascendent sounds of the day. Rancid is a great example. The name of this album is in reference to all the major labels that pursued the band (they stayed on their current label, Epitaph).
I like Rancid’s previous iteration, Operation Ivy, but didn’t really get into their first two albums. I was focused on other stuff at the time. But this one drew me in with its improved production quality and some cool tunes like “Time Bomb” and “Roots Radicals”.
It’s admittedly quite derivative. They get called a Clash ripoff often. But for me it’s the energy and the way they make clear their musical influences, ultimately transcending them and delivering great, hook-filled pop punk songs.
#otd #punk #poppunk #skapunk #EastBay
"Although the exact cause was never determined, the fire began in the undeveloped chaparral and grasslands of Wildcat Canyon, just east of the ridgeline of the Berkeley Hills, and was propelled over the ridge and southwestward just south of Codornices Creek by a strong, gusty, and intensely dry northeasterly wind.",_California,_fire
Heat and wind appear to be the common cause for all the fires across California that week, and electrical delivery infrastructure was really young in 1923.
A lot of the towers and transmission equipment built by #PGE in California are old. The #Paradise #fire was caused by a hook on a tower that had been swinging in the wind long enough to saw itself in half. A PG&E engineer told me that the towers in the SF #EastBay are of the same vintage as Paradise.
It's also worth noting that people thought planting #eucalyptus was a good idea for a cash crop, in the late 19th century, in California.
#paradise #fire #EastBay #eucalyptus #powerlines #PGE
Hyping the east bay real hard
#IndianFood #BayAreaEats #BAE #EastBay #BayArea #California #FoodRecs #Food
#indianfood #bayareaeats #bae #EastBay #bayarea #california #foodrecs #food
Hey #MountainBike riders in the #EastBay, please take the #BTCEB (#Bicycle #Trails Council of the East Bay) #survey, and repost so others see it and can participate:
Please take some time to fill out a Bicycle Trails Council East Bay (BTCEB) online survey. we’d like to hear from members and non-members alike to see how we’re serving or not serving our local MTB communities, what we can do better, support for programs, etc. the results will help BTCEB set priorities during our strategic planning later this year for 2024 an onwards. feel free to pass it on to other MTBrs as well in the East Bay:
EDIT, fixed link:
By completing the survey by August 31, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for a $225 Trail One Components gift card (if you submit using your name/email address. Thanks for taking the time! ~ Lauren Haughey (BTCEB President)
#mountainbike #EastBay #btceb #bicycle #trails #survey #BikeTooter #bike #mtb #singletrack
Along the Stream Trail at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park, near Oakland, CA.
#thicktrunkthursday #oaklandish #EastBay #loveyourparks
Coyote Grill & Smoker 4 Sale
It's like a #BigGreenEgg only better. #Coyote #Asado #Grill & #Smoker for sale in North Oakland. Details:
#biggreenegg #coyote #asado #grill #smoker #EastBay #forsale
Cool photos of an #osprey nest in Richmond from our amazing volunteer photographer Robb Most
#wildlife #birding #richmondca #sfbay #sanfraniscobay #eastbay
#Osprey #wildlife #birding #RichmondCA #sfbay #sanfraniscobay #EastBay
Quick bike ride before the heat set in. About 11 miles with just under 4 miles off-pavement.
Stage Road trail at one of the several places it crosses Pine Creek.
Ride map showing the route out Castle Rock Road, out a ways into Pine Canyon, doubling back and heading out through #BorgesRanch
Two mule deer in a corral in Borges Ranch
#EastBay #Bicycle #MTB #WalnutCreek #EastBayRegionalParkDistrict #EBRPD #CastleRockPark
#borgesranch #EastBay #bicycle #mtb #WalnutCreek #EastBayRegionalParkDistrict #EBRPD #castlerockpark
I’ve been advocating for these for my #EastBay suburb for years, love to see it!
Jesus. My 'liberal' NIMBY-esque neighborhood of Rockridge is starting civilian 'safety' patrols. WTF.
From the Q&A in the local newsletter:
"What will the driver do if they see an incident in progress? - Our drivers' primary duty is to observe, support, report, and when necessary serve as expert witness. When they see unusual activity, rather than make assumptions, they approach the scene in a friendly manner and ask if someone requires assistance before determining the next best response."
I wonder how much time their civilian drivers have spent interrogating their 'assumptions.'
#Oakland #EastBay #sfba
#saferrockridge #oakland #EastBay #sfba #implicitbias #safetyasacoverforwhitesurpremacistculture
Yesterday some friends invited me to the Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historic Park, at #Richmond on the Bay. It's a gem of a little place, each exhibit lively, and deeply attentive to race, gender, and class. That era showcased the worst and best of our national identity. Something to ponder today.
#NationalParks #BayArea #EastBay #feminism #WWII #FourthofJuly #US #gender #race
#richmond #nationalparks #wwii #FourthOfJuly #us #gender #race #bayarea #EastBay #feminism