@bhaugen I would check out what #CooperationRichmond, #EBPREC, #NoBAWC, #EastOaklandCollective, #PeoplesPrograms and #RepairedNations are up to before me; since they're far more active in liberating land and generating local cooperatives.
My emphasis on software cooperatives means it takes longer to make a real impact; but the latest #Convene demo shows where we are with our local partner #Piikup!
#EastOaklandCollective #peoplesprograms #cooperationrichmond #ebprec #NOBAWC #RepairedNations #Convene #Piikup
By shifting ownership structures from investors to consumers and workers, we shift the allocation of wealth away from the micro-class of the wealthy and towards a stronger, healthier middle and lower class.
We pull people out of the lower class as more and more benefits are provided by:
1. Community-owned #Cooperatives, such as #EastOaklandCollective and #EastBayPermanentRealEstateCoop
2. Worker-owned #Cooperatives who prioritize worker-needs
#EastBayPermanentRealEstateCoop #EastOaklandCollective #cooperatives