📢Out Now in OA: 'The Last Years of #Polish #Jewry, Volume 1: At the Edge of the Abyss: Essays, 1927–33' by Yankev Leshchinsky, ed. by Robert Brym, trans. by Eli Jany and Robert Brym.
#Ukrainian-born #YankevLeshchinsky (1876–1966) was the leading scholarly and journalistic analyst of #EasternEuropean #Jewish socioeconomic and political life from the 1920s to the 1950s. Known as “the dean of Jewish sociologists” and [...] “the father of Jewish demography,” #Leshchinsky published a series of insightful and moving essays in #Yiddish on #Polish #Jewry between 1927 and 1937.
Despite heightened interest in interwar #Jewish communities in #Poland in recent years, these essays have never been translated into English. 'The Last Years of #Polish #Jewry' helps to rectify this situation by translating some of #Leshchinsky’s key essays. A thoughtful Introduction by Robert Brym provides the context of the author’s life and work.
Access this title for free or get a copy at https://openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0341
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#queer #EasternEuropean #QueerHumor
#queer #EasternEuropean #QueerHumor
Seeing a poor #EasternEuropean country with heavily #dilapidated glass and concrete #towers suggest that it either once believed US #corporateState propaganda or was subject to a #CIA-backed #coup.
#usInvasion #legacyMedia #television #giveUsYourTelevisionNetworks
#EasternEuropean #dilapidated #towers #corporateState #cia #coup #usInvasion #legacymedia #television #giveUsYourTelevisionNetworks