Today #selfcare looked like sitting in community with a group of trans activists and parents of trans youth, share our stories, and make commitment to take action in our communities.
What did it look like for you?
#TakeYourMeds #IForgot #DrinkMoreWater #EatSomething
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #iforgot #drinkmorewater #EatSomething #ProtectTransKids
Today #selfcare looked like trying to fight the heat with hydration and sharing a goodbye dinner with my zucchini before she moves away.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like a couple more applications, not dwelling on the unknown, and an episode of Yellowjackets.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like nerdgaming.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like canceling plans due to the weather, playing a little Binding of Isaac, and staying close to the bathroom.
What did it look like for you?
#EatSomething #DrinkSomeWater #TakeYourMeds #CaliforniaSnowpocalypse2023
#selfcare #EatSomething #DrinkSomeWater #TakeYourMeds #californiasnowpocalypse2023
Today #selfcare looked like treating myself to some delicious food as a reward for my colonoscopy.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds #buttstuff
Today #selfcare looked like day one of colonoscopy prep. :(
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #somuchlaxativeugh #EatSomething #hydrate #TakeYourMeds
What did #selfcare look like for you today?
For me it was sleeping in, Playstation, and a shower.
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like picking up meds, seeing some friends, Pokémon Go with Dorian, Dutch Bros, and comics.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkwater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like nursing an upset stomach and reading some comics.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds #imdying
Today #selfcare looked like nerdgaming.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like soothing disappointment with Playstation.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds #stillsearching
Today #selfcare looked like Morning Thunder for breakfast, a little caffeine, and progress forward with kiddo's healthcare.
What did it look like for you?
#DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds #TransLivesMatter
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds #translivesmatter
Today #selfcare looked like doing laundry, budgeting, and paying some bills.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #hydrate #TakeYourMeds #thanksryanreynolds
Today #selfcare looked like nerdgaming and Schitt's Creek.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #hydrate #EatSomething
Today #selfcare looked like Stucky fanfic, talking about imposter berries with My Canadian, and letting Maki get dinner #CelestinosYum!
What did it look like for you?
#EatSomething #DrinkWater #TakeYourMeds #PizzaEvenThoughItKillsMe #CavendishBananasSuckBalls
#selfcare #celestinosyum #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds #pizzaeventhoughitkillsme #cavendishbananassuckballs
Today #selfcare looked like comics, My Canadian, and dinner cooked by Dorian.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like not doing any of the cooking.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #drinkwater #EatSomething
Today #selfcare looked like taking 2/3rds of my breaks, emailing my landlord about a maintenance issue he'll promise to reimburse me for and never follow through, and grocery shopping for the things we needed that were actually in stock.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #drinkwater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like not quitting, hot cocoa from the brothers Dutch, and new doctors for one of the mini mes.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #DrinkSomeWater #EatSomething