Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
333 followers · 4902 posts · Server

1.) Join us for our Resistance Chicks Christmas DAY Special! at 1:30 PM ET Charles Dickens, Christianity & the Timeless Message of: A Christmas Carol
There is something about '  that cuts deep into the hardest of hearts. What is it about these fictional stories that have moved people to tears over and over? The Gospel of . Dickens had a hard life growing up. As a child his father was put into debtors prison and he worked sometimes 14 hours a day in a shoe blacking factory. He knew first-hand what hardship was like and he should have become a bitter old man just like his rascally character .

#EbenezerScrooge #JesusChrist #AChristmasCarol #charlesdickens

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura Phillips · @lauraphillips
192 followers · 707 posts · Server 20.00 Griff Rhys Jones reveals how created of a through 1 of his best-known , A Christmas . Published in 1843, the story of miserly captured the of . , Christmas + were invented around the same time, but it was the that boosted Christmas, promoting the idea that Christmas is best celebrated with family.

#bbc4 #Dickens #idea #traditional #family #christmas #books #Carol #EbenezerScrooge #imagination #victorian #britain #SantaClaus #cards #crackers #book

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Jones ✌️ · @DVWhat
20 followers · 178 posts · Server

I was going to write a little "joke" about how hate "" because while is a MAGA hero through Chapter (Stave) One, he starts to go "" after that. But then I just gave up on the whole thing, because it was predicated on the idea of MAGAs actually reading , and I realized...there's just no way, dude.

#MAGAs #achristmascarol #EbenezerScrooge #woke #charlesdickens

Last updated 2 years ago

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 · @cosullivan
1319 followers · 10209 posts · Server

For those who don't plan to watch after December 10, and like the vintage entertainment, enjoy (or download and then enjoy!) as in this three-part television adaptation of "A Christmas Carol"
Part One:

#youtube #christmas #basilrathbone #EbenezerScrooge

Last updated 5 years ago