Library of Korranburg: The Sovereign Host & Dark Six: Eberron’s Family of Gods
In the most recent installment of the Library of Korranburg series from Eberron Archaeologist he explores the main pantheon of gods for the Eberron setting. He delves i
#Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #gods #LibraryofKorranburg #TheDarkSix #TheSovereignHost
#thesovereignhost #thedarksix #LibraryofKorranburg #gods #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons
Eberron Collector: Shadows of the Last War
Eberron Archaeologist put out one of his signature exhaustive reviews, this time covering the first separately published adventure for Eberron, Shadows of the Last War. His coverage of how to convert it to 5e is particularly useful for someone playing D&D in Eberron today.
#adventure #D&D #Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist
#EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons #d #adventure
Library of Korranburg: Eberron’s Monster Manual A-Z – Aboleth & Aarakocra
Eberron Archaeologist started a series covering all of the monsters of Dungeons & Dragons and their place in Eberron. In this first installment, he does a deep dive into Aboleths & Aarakocras.
#Aarakocras #Aboleths #Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #MonsterManual
#MonsterManual #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons #Aboleths #Aarakocras
Library of Korranburg: Eberron Naming Conventions
Last month Eberron Archaeologist published an exhaustive look at how characters are named in Eberron. It's a great resource for getting right fit for a character's background and situation.
#names #LibraryofKorranburg #EberronArchaeologist #eberron
Eberron Collector – Magic of Eberron
Eberron Archaeologist put out a pair of videos that do a thorough review of Magic of Eberron and explore how the content of that D&D 3.5E book can be used with the current D&D 5E. It's a testament to his dedication to the topic that each chapter and big idea is covered and thou
#D&D #Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #magic #MagicofEberron
#MagicofEberron #magic #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons #d
Library of Korranburg: The Animals of Eberron’s Valenar Elves
Yesterday Eberron Archaeologist published the latest instalment in the Library of Korranburg, this time covering the intriguing animals of the Valenar Elves in Eberron. There are plenty of details in this thorough look at the e
#Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #horses #Tairnadal #Valenar
#Valenar #Tairnadal #horses #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons
Library of Korranburg: Core Races of Eberron – Humans
There's another Library of Korranburg video out from Eberron Archaeologist and this one focuses humans and their place in the Eberron game world.
#D&D #Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #Humans
#humans #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons #d
Library of Korranburg: Aasimar, Githyanki, Githzerai & Hexblood Characters in Eberron
The second instalment of Eberron Archaeologist's Library of Korranburg explores uncommon character races and their place in Eberron. The Aasimar
#Aasimar #Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #Gith #Githyanki #Githzerai #Hexbloods #LibraryofKorranburg
#LibraryofKorranburg #Hexbloods #Githzerai #Githyanki #Gith #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons #aasimar
Library of Korranburg: The Quori – Eberron’s Masters of Dreams
Eberron Archaeologist has begun a series of videos explaining aspects of the story of Eberron, my favourite setting for Dungeons & Dragons. In this first episode he introduces the Quori, dream manipulating creatures that
#D&D #Dungeons&Dragons #DungeonsandDragons #Eberron #EberronArchaeologist #LibraryofKorranburg #Quori
#Quori #LibraryofKorranburg #EberronArchaeologist #eberron #dungeonsanddragons #dungeons #d