@EugeneMcParland @NAFO_69th_Sniffing_Brigade
The thing about profiteering, is that people remember.
They also remember for a really long time. You see, people have a sense of justice, and they won’t go back until they think a profiteer has paid more than it gained. If you run a brand in Russia, that brand value is tanking.
@enverdemichelis @SmilaBlomma @antanicus @QuasiMagia
mo ve la butto lì: st'articolo serve soprattutto a dirci "vedete che se unə veramente vuole lavorare fa di tutto? Mica come voi choosy de sta ceppa che pretendete il lavoro vicino, gli straordinari pagati e magari pure la settimana corta". Quindi ok, solidarietà a Giuseppina ma invitiamola a essere più incazzata #Ecco
#Ecco-rail si od ELP pronajímá dvě #Stadler #euro9000
Shoemaker Ecco leaks over 60GB of sensitive data for 500+ days https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/139885/data-breach/shoemaker-ecco-data-leaks.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #DataBreach #dataleak #Hacking #Ecco
#informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #DataBreach #dataleak #Hacking #Ecco
Le vere vittime di Rimini sono le penne nere. Nessuna molestia, ecco i dati. - L`Irresponsabile #dati #Ecco #molestia #nere #nessuna #penne #Rimini #sono #vere #vittime #24maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pcnJlc3BvbnNhYmlsZS5jb20vbGUtdmVyZS12aXR0aW1lLWRpLXJpbWluaS1zb25vLWxlLXBlbm5lLW5lcmUtbmVzc3VuYS1tb2xlc3RpYS1lY2NvLWktZGF0aS8=
#24maggio #vittime #vere #sono #rimini #penne #nessuna #nere #molestia #Ecco #dati
Le vere vittime di Rimini sono le penne nere. Nessuna molestia, ecco i dati. - L`Irresponsabile #dati #Ecco #molestia #nere #nessuna #penne #Rimini #sono #vere #vittime #22maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pcnJlc3BvbnNhYmlsZS5jb20vbGUtdmVyZS12aXR0aW1lLWRpLXJpbWluaS1zb25vLWxlLXBlbm5lLW5lcmUtbmVzc3VuYS1tb2xlc3RpYS1lY2NvLWktZGF0aS8=
#22Maggio #vittime #vere #sono #rimini #penne #nessuna #nere #molestia #Ecco #dati
The only other piece I managed to finish for my No Nut November series, based on some discussions with a friend!
Poor Jervis, it must really suck to be the third wheel~
#Gotham #Ecco #JeremiahValeska #JervisTetch #cucking #cockbondage #bondage #blueballs
#gotham #Ecco #jeremiahvaleska #jervistetch #cucking #cockbondage #bondage #blueballs
I hadn't done body studies since highschool so I decided to do some body study type stuff with some #Gotham ladies!
#FishMooney #IvyPepper #LeeThompkins #BarbaraKean #TabithaGalavan #BridgitPike #SelinaKyle #Ecco
#gotham #LeeThompkins #BarbaraKean #TabithaGalavan #IvyPepper #BridgitPike #FishMooney #Ecco #selinakyle