Pro-Tip for #gaymastodon and #transitgays:
The cruisiest bus line in #LosAngeles County with the hottest men is Metro Line 4, as gays shuttle between #DowntownLA, #EchoPark, #Silverlake, #Hollywood, #WestHollywood, #BeverlyHills, #CenturyCity, #Westwood, #SantaMonica, and the beach.
You’re welcome. #WeHo
#gaymastodon #transitgays #losangeles #downtownla #EchoPark #silverlake #hollywood #westhollywood #beverlyhills #centurycity #westwood #santamonica #WeHo
#Introduction #Intro #IntroPost
#Aries #AriesSun #LeoMoon #LibraRising #Autistic #Adhd #nonbinary #trans #gay #queer #latinx #hispanic #mexican #MexicanAmerican #poc #qtpoc #WorkingClass #LowIncome
#LosAngeles #EchoPark #nevada #LasVegas
#photography #art #makeup #fashion #food #cooking #AnimalCrossing #StardewValley #marxism #leftism #SocialJustice #DisabilityJustice #PrisonAbolition #AntiRacism #Astrology #AdultStudent
#introduction #intro #intropost #aries #AriesSun #LeoMoon #LibraRising #autistic #adhd #nonbinary #trans #gay #queer #latinx #hispanic #mexican #mexicanamerican #poc #qtpoc #workingclass #lowincome #losangeles #EchoPark #nevada #lasvegas #photography #art #makeup #fashion #food #cooking #animalcrossing #stardewvalley #marxism #leftism #socialjustice #DisabilityJustice #prisonabolition #antiracism #astrology #AdultStudent
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#meditation #Yoga #incense #SonyFX3 #avid #losangeles #EchoPark