A monastery (EO) that I frequently visited in the recent past, just put out a newsletter regarding a lecture they had on Covid. Long story short, they summed it up as a shame we all stayed away from each other for awhile, how it wasn't as bad as we all originally thought (??!!!!), and labeled the warnings of doctors, epidemiologists and scientists as "disinformation".
This email goes out to hundreds of people, including those who have suffered the loss of people to the disease, those who are struggling with long Covid, and people like myself, who are high risk and still taking all the original precautions.
This doesn't help anyone.
#echochamber #losingmyreligion #fedup #weary #disabled #highrisk #prolifehahaha
#Echochamber #LosingMyReligion #fedup #WEARY #disabled #highrisk #prolifehahaha
Nu veel mensen niet meer (zo) actief zijn op Twitter wordt er een hoop feitelijke onzin ook minder weersproken.
Another Alt Right Plague Bearer meme.
Keep an eye out for 13/50 crime stats or The Bell Curve IQ arguments. If you ever see them attack bulldogs violence, or talk about a warrior gene in sports, or skull dimples...
#KnowYourEnemy #GOP #AltRight #EchoChamber #PlagueBearers #TheBellCurve #1350 #Clownworld #Republicans #Politics #IQ
#knowyourenemy #gop #altright #Echochamber #plaguebearers #TheBellCurve #clownworld #republicans #politics #IQ
I cannot praise the #hideboosts feature enough! In fact, I think I might turn it on on everybody. Only read original content. Then the space by definition becomes less of an #echochamber.